Plane Table Surveying - Civil Draughtsman Objective Questions - ObjectiveBooks

Plane Table Surveying - Civil Draughtsman Objective Questions

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Which place the plane table set up for prepare a road map?
    (A) Centre of road
    (B) Left side of road
    (C) Right side of road
    (D) Along any one side of road

2. What is the method with three known object points and its plotted position on the drawing sheet are taken for solving the problem?
    (A) Lehman’s rules
    (B) Mechanical method
    (C) Traversing method
    (D) Trial and error method

3. What is name of the level which does not required any protection from the sun?
    (A) Auto level
    (B) Tilting level
    (C) Dumpy level
    (D) Wye (y) level

4. What is the color of road metalled bridge?
    (A) Burnt sienna
    (B) Burnt timber
    (C) Crimson Lake
    (D) Prussian blue

5. What is the name of term that in this method of surveys it is less costly than other types of survey?
    (A) One of the advantages of plane table survey
    (B) One of the disadvantages of plane table survey
    (C) Survey can be done in dense wood areas
    (D) Great skill is required

6. What is the name of the process of putting the plane table with some fixed direction so that the line representing a particular direction on the plan is parallel to the direction on the ground?
    (A) Centring the plane table
    (B) Orienting the plane table
    (C) Orienting by back sighting
    (D) Orienting by magnetic needle

7. What is the name of method in which tracing paper is used over the drawing sheet to solve the problems?
    (A) Bessel’s method
    (B) Traversing method
    (C) Trial and error method
    (D) Tracing paper method

8. What is the term name for tracing the drawing by means of ink (inking) with order of tracing?
    (A) Technique of tracing
    (B) Method of reproduction
    (C) Sequence of tracing
    (D) Should be traced in tracing cloth

9. How you will test the plane table board that the upper surface of the board should be perfect plane?
    (A) Checks the straight edge in all directions
    (B) Set up and level the plane table over a station
    (C) If the bubble is not central position, the error by keeping packing between the underside of the board
    (D) Correct the edge by filling and again test

10. What is the name of triangle formed by joining the ground points?
    (A) Great triangle
    (B) Scalene triangle
    (C) Isosceles triangle
    (D) Equilateral triangle

11. What is the method with any two of three known objects points and its plotted positions on the drawing sheet are taken for solving the problem?
    (A) Lehman’s rules
    (B) Bessel’s method
    (C) Traversing method
    (D) Trial and error method

12. What is the color of compound walls?
    (A) H - Green
    (B) Indigo
    (C) Burnt sienna
    (D) Burnt blue

13. What is the name of method used in plane table survey similar to that of compass survey or theodolite?
    (A) Radiation
    (B) Resection
    (C) Traversing
    (D) Intersection

14. What is the coloring building benchmark?
    (A) Burnt sienna
    (B) Burnt timber
    (C) Crimson lake
    (D) Prussian blue

15. What is the name of the error that the fittings of table and tripod being loose?
    (A) Errors of manipulation
    (B) Errors of sighting
    (C) Errors of instrumental
    (D) Errors of plotting

16. Which survey is most suitable for filling the various details between the stations fixed by triangulation?
    (A) Levelling
    (B) Chain survey
    (C) Plane table survey
    (D) Compass survey

17. What is name of the survey in which field work and plotting are done simultaneously in the field?
    (A) Chain survey
    (B) Compass survey
    (C) Engineering survey
    (D) Plane table survey

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