Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. For what type of metal punching, spring strippers are used?
- (A) Very thin
- (B) Very hard
- (C) Very thick
- (D) Very strong
2. The height from the top of the bed to the bottom of the press ram is called?
- (A) Die height
- (B) Maximum
- (C) Shut height
- (D) Center
3. Which of the following holds the punch in position?
- (A) Bolster
- (B) Punch holder
- (C) Lower shoe
- (D) Lipper shoe
4. Which die is used for more than one cutting operation per stroke?
- (A) Blanking die
- (B) Piercing die
- (C) Compound die
- (D) Progressive
5. Which die is mostly used to produce the washer?
- (A) Blanking die
- (B) Piercing die
- (C) Progressive
- (D) Compound die
6. In which die, cutting and non cutting operations are performed per stroke?
- (A) Combination
- (B) Bending die
- (C) Forming die
- (D) Progressive
7. What is the name of pin provided for locating work in subsequent operation from the previously pierced hole?
- (A) Back gauge
- (B) Depth gauge
- (C) Die gauge
- (D) Pilot
8. By which operation a cup is formed from a flat blank?
- (A) Trimming
- (B) Drawing
- (C) Forming
- (D) Bending
9. When a sectional die block is used?
- (A) Die cavity
is medium
- (B) Die cavity
is too large
- (C) Die block is
too small
- (D) Die block is
too large
10. What is the name of operation for making hole in a work piece with the help of die?
- (A) Trimming
- (B) Piercing
- (C) Drilling
- (D) Boring