Railway Engineering - Civil Draughtsman Objective (MCQ) Questions - ObjectiveBooks

Railway Engineering - Civil Draughtsman Objective (MCQ) Questions

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. What is the height of embankment above HFL in the construction of permanent way?
    (A) 30 cm
    (B) 50 m
    (C) 60 cm
    (D) 65 cm

2. What is used for fixing the rails to the wooden sleepers?
    (A) Spikes
    (B) Bearing plates
    (C) Fish bolt
    (D) Rail chair

3. What is the length of bull headed rail?
    (A) 16.7 m
    (B) 18.29 m
    (C) 18.6 m
    (D) 19.2 mm

4. What is the width of broad gauge?
    (A) 0.16 m
    (B) 0.762 m
    (C) 1.00 m
    (D) 1.676 m 

5. Which method is used to repair the worn out or damaged rails and to built up damaged components of points and crossing?
    (A) Bending
    (B) Hogging
    (C) Creep
    (D) Welding

6. Which is used for changing the direction of engine?
    (A) Rail joint
    (B) Turn table
    (C) Points and crossing
    (D) Terminal station 

7. What is the length of bull headed rail?
    (A) 16.7 m
    (B) 18.29 m
    (C) 18.6 m
    (D) 19.2 mm 

8. Which is a cast iron sleeper?
    (A) Duplex
    (B) Steel
    (C) Pot
    (D) Box

9. Which is used for joining the rail?
    (A) Spikes
    (B) Rail chairs
    (C) Fish plates
    (D) Bearing plate

10. What is the height of embankment above HFL in the construction of permanent way?
    (A) 30 cm
    (B) 50 cm
    (C) 60 cm
    (D) 65 cm

11. What is the minimum depth of ballast for broad gauge?
    (A) 20 cm
    (B) 30 cm
    (C) 40 cm
    (D) 50 cm

12. Which area wear of rails maximum?
    (A) Top of rail
    (B) End of rail
    (C) Inner side of rail
    (D) Head of rail 

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