Total Station Civil Draughtsman Exam Questions - ObjectiveBooks

Total Station Civil Draughtsman Exam Questions

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Which instrument is used to find out the co-ordinates of a reflection and at the same time measuring the vertical angles?
    (A) Auto level
    (B) Total station
    (C) Theodolite
    (D) Transmit theodolite 

2. What is the name of the figure given below?
Total Station - Set 04
    (A) Rectangular and polar co-ordinates
    (B) Polar to Cartesian coordinates
    (C) Rectangular co-ordinates
    (D) Polar co-ordinates 

3. What is the shape of a single reflector prism?
    (A) Cube corner
    (B) Cuboid corner
    (C) Circular
    (D) Triangular corner

4. Which is the total station with latest technology?
    (A) Mechanical
    (B) Semi automatic
    (C) Manual
    (D) Automatic 

5. Which is the total station with latest technology?
    (A) Mechanical
    (B) Semi automatic
    (C) Manual
    (D) Automatic

6. What is marked as ʹxʹ?
Total Station - Set 04
    (A) Top Handle
    (B) Collimator
    (C) Optical plummet
    (D) Data out connector 

7. What is the formula to find out the sum of interior angles of a closed polygon traverse?
    (A) (n - 2) × 360°
    (B) (n + 2) × 360°
    (C) (n - 2) × 180°
    (D) (n + 2) × 180° 

8. What is the sum of the interior angles of a closed polygon traverse that has of 8 sides?
    (A) 720°
    (B) 1080°
    (C) 1440°
    (D) 1800°

9. In which conditions, the LCD screen does not work?
    (A) Cold
    (B) Hot
    (C) Warm
    (D) Wind

10. Which measurement reduces the measurement time to a prism between 0.5 and 1ʹs for both phase shift and pulsed systems?
    (A) Precise measurement
    (B) Rapid measurement
    (C) Tracking measurement
    (D) Angle measurement

11. Faulty temperature and pressure measurement occurs by which source of error in EDM?
    (A) Personal
    (B) Instrumental
    (C) Natural
    (D) Environmental 

12. What is the abbreviation for EDM in surveying?
    (A) Electronic Distance Measurement
    (B) Engineering Distance Measurement
    (C) Electro Discharge Machine
    (D) Electronic Direct Mailing

13. What is the disadvantage of Total Station?
    (A) Automation of old maps
    (B) Local language support
    (C) Full GIS creation
    (D) The instrument is costly

14. In which conditions, the LCD screen does not work?
    (A) Cold
    (B) Hot
    (C) Warm
    (D) Wind 

15. Where is data stored in Total Station?
    (A) Pen drive
    (B) Data card
    (C) Micro processor
    (D) External hardware 

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