Wood Engineering Objective Questions and Answers - ObjectiveBooks

Wood Engineering Objective Questions and Answers

Practice Test: Question Set - 14

1. A hammer is a type of
    (A) Gooseneck
    (B) Fulcrum
    (C) Wedge
    (D) Lever

2. After cutting a dado, use _______ to check the depth throughout.
    (A) A tape measure
    (B) Calipers
    (C) A combination square
    (D) A try square

3. The thickness of a tenon should be _______ the thickness of the piece in which the mortise will be cut.
    (A) Twice
    (B) Between one-third and one-half
    (C) Less than one-fourth
    (D) Three-fourths

4. A hinge is a piece of hardware used as a
    (A) Joint
    (B) Support
    (C) Repair plate
    (D) None of the above

5. The _______ presses firmly on the top of the wood to prevent the grain from tearing out.
    (A) Infeed roll
    (B) Chip breaker
    (C) Pressure bar
    (D) Outfeed roll

6. For rough work, never try to remove more than _______ inch in thickness from a board
    (A) 1/16
    (B) 1/8
    (C) 3/16
    (D) 1/4

7. In cutting curves,
    (A) Apply even, forward pressure
    (B) Guide the work with your right hand
    (C) Make relief cuts to within 1/4 inch of the layout line
    (D) All of the above

8. A commercial circle jig has an adjustable _______ that the operator sets to the correct distance for cutting a circle.
    (A) Miter gauge
    (B) Pivot pin
    (C) Radius measurement
    (D) Blade guide

9. Pumice is used to
    (A) Remove old paint
    (B) Remove excess glue
    (C) Clean brushes
    (D) Rub down a finish

10. When making straight cuts,
    (A) Choose the widest blade possible
    (B) Make a “sandwich” of the material
    (C) Use a special V fixture
    (D) All of the above

11. Which of the following cuts can be made with router bits?
    (A) Dovetail
    (B) V-grooving
    (C) Cove
    (D) All of the above

12. A typical router operates at _______ revolutions per minute.
    (A) 5,000
    (B) 9,000
    (C) 16,000
    (D) 25,000

13. Sanding discs are installed using
    (A) Two wrenches of different sizes
    (B) A tension knob
    (C) Pressure-sensitive adhesive
    (D) A chuck key

14. Standard finishes are made with _______ that emit(s) pollutants into the air.
    (A) Water-based ingredients
    (B) Solvents
    (C) Fillers
    (D) Rottenstone

15. To mix a white stain, combine _______ with oil and turpentine.
    (A) Zinc oxide
    (B) Raw sienna
    (C) Burnt umber
    (D) White pumice

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