Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines Quiz - Set 01 Mech Sub-Wise Quiz Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines Online Quiz: Set 01 Quiz Questions 01. The water tube boilers produce steam at a ________ pressure than that of fire tube boilers. (A) Lower (B) Higher 02. When the expansion of steam is carried out in a single cylinder and then exhausted into the atmosphere or a condenser, the engine is said to be a simple steam engine. (A) Correct (B) Incorrect 03. The clearance in the engine cylinder has no effect on the steam consumption. (A) True (B) False 04. In a Lamont boiler, there is a _________ circulation of water and steam. (A) Forced (B) Natural 05. Locomotive boiler produces steam at a very high rate. (A) Yes (B) No 06. The capacity and working pressure of a Cornish boiler is _________ as compared to Lancashire boiler. (A) Low (B) High 07. The rate of flow of steam is _________ in case of fire tube boilers. (A) Less (B) More 08. In surface condensers, the condensate and the cooling water mixes up. (A) True (B) False 09. Combustion of fuel takes place _________ the engine cylinder of a steam engine. (A) Outside (B) Inside 10. Babcock and Wilcox boiler is a stationary type of water tube boiler. (A) Correct (B) Incorrect 11. A Cochran boiler is a horizontal multi-tubular boiler. (A) Yes (B) No 12. A condenser maintains a low pressure (below atmospheric) so as to obtain the maximum possible energy from steam and thus to secure a high efficiency. (A) Agree (B) Disagree 13. The amount of water evaporated from and at 100° C into dry and saturated steam is called evaporative capacity of a boiler. (A) Yes (B) No 14. The difference between the atmospheric pressure and the absolute pressure is known as vacuum in a condenser. (A) Agree (B) Disagree 15. There is about 15 to 20% of coal saving when an economiser is used in a boiler. (A) True (B) False 16. A water level indicator is a device to indicate the exact water level in the boiler at any instant. (A) True (B) False 17. A receiver type compound engine requires a lighter flywheel. (A) Yes (B) No 18. A device used to empty the boiler whenever required and to discharge the mud, scale or sediments which are accumulated at the bottom of the boiler, is called blow off cock. (A) Yes (B) No 19. The crown of the fire box is made hemispherical in order to resist intense heat in the fire box. (A) True (B) False 20. The ratio of heat actually used in producing the steam to the heat liberated in the furnace is known as equivalent evaporation from and at 100° C. (A) Correct (B) Incorrect Submit Test Quiz Set - 02 Online Quiz Home Page