Material Science General Knowledge Quiz - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Material Science General Knowledge Quiz - Set 01

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. For safety, the fuse wire used in the mains for household supply of electricity must be made of metal having
    (A) Low melting point
    (B) High resistance
    (C) High melting point
    (D) Low specific heat

2. For galvanizing iron which of the following metals is used?
    (A) Aluminium
    (B) Copper
    (C) Lead
    (D) Zinc

3. The element of an electric stove made
    (A) Copper
    (B) Invar
    (C) Magnalium
    (D) Nicrome

4. Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chelate compound in which central metal is
    (A) Copper
    (B) Magnesium
    (C) Iron
    (D) Calcium

5. Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically
    (A) Silicon dioxide
    (B) Germanium oxide
    (C) A mixture of germanium oxide and silicon dioxide
    (D) Sodium silicate

6. The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material is
    (A) Bitumen
    (B) Anthracite
    (C) Lignite
    (D) Peat

7. The gases used in different types of welding would include
    (A) Oxygen and hydrogen
    (B) Oxygen, hydrogen, acetylene and nitrogen
    (C) Oxygen, acetylene and argon
    (D) Oxygen and acetylene

8. The average salinity of sea water is
    (A) 3 %
    (B) 3.5 %
    (C) 2.5 %
    (D) 2 %

9. The group of metals Fe, Co, Ni may best called as
    (A) Transition metals
    (B) Main group metals
    (C) Alkali metals
    (D) Rare metals

10. Non stick cooking utensils are coated with
    (A) Teflon
    (B) PVC
    (C) Black paint
    (D) Polystyrene

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