GK Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. 'OS' computer abbreviation usually means?
- (A) Order
of Significance
- (B) Open
- (C) Operating
- (D) Optical
2. '.MOV' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
- (A) Image file
- (B) Animation/movie
- (C) Audio file
- (D) MS
Office document
3. '.MPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
- (A) Word Perfect
Document file
- (B) MS
Office document
- (C) Animation/movie
- (D) Image file
4. What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
- (A) Report
- (B) Field
- (C) Record
- (D) File
5. Who developed Yahoo?
- (A) Dennis
Ritchie & Ken Thompson
- (B) David
Filo & Jerry Yang
- (C) Vint
Cerf & Robert Kahn
- (D) Steve
Case & Jeff Bezos
6. 'DB' computer abbreviation usually means?
- (A) Database
- (B) Double Byte
- (C) Data Block
- (D) Driver Boot
7. '.INI' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
- (A) Image file
- (B) System file
- (C) Hypertext
related file
- (D) Image
Color Matching Profile file
8. The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are stored) for a CD is?
- (A) 48.4 kHz
- (B) 22,050 Hz
- (C) 44.1 kHz
- (D) 48 kHz
9. What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.
- (A) URL
(Universal Resource Locator)
- (B) LAN (Local
Area Network)
- (C) WAN (Wide
Area Network)
- (D) World Wide
10. Sometimes computers and cache registers in a foodmart are connected to a UPS system. What does UPS mean?
- (A) United
Parcel Service
- (B) Uniform
Product Support
- (C) Under
Paneling Storage
- (D) Uninterruptable
Power Supply
11. What is FMD?
- (A) Fast-Ethernet
Measuring Device
- (B) Flashing
Media Diode
- (C) Fluorescent
Multi-Layer Disc
- (D) Flash
Media Driver
12. Which of these is a documented hoax virus?
- (A) McDonalds
- (B) Alien.worm
- (C) Merry Xmas
- (D) Adolph
13. What does SSL stand for?
- (A) Secure
Socket Layer
- (B) System
Socket Layer
- (C) Superuser
System Login
- (D) Secure
System Login
14. What is a URL?
- (A) A computer
software program
- (B) A type of
- (C) The address
of a document or "page" on the World Wide Web
- (D) An
acronym for Uniform Resources Learning
15. The Central Processing Unit is an embedded chip that acts as the 'brains' of a computer. What Intel chip was used in the Altair (the first real personal computer)?
- (A) 6502
- (B) 8080
- (C) 6400
- (D) 8286
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