International Days & Years Objective Questions and Answers - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

International Days & Years Objective Questions and Answers - Set 01

GK Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Oxford University was founded in
    (A) 1139 AD
    (B) 1163 AD
    (C) 215 BC
    (D) 55 BC

2. India became a member of the United Nations in
    (A) 1945
    (B) 1947
    (C) 1959
    (D) 1960

3. During World War II, when did Germany attack France?
    (A) 1940
    (B) 1941
    (C) 1942
    (D) 1943

4. Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO in
    (A) 1991
    (B) 1992
    (C) 1993
    (D) 1994

5. When did France became Republic?
    (A) 1789 AD
    (B) 1798 AD
    (C) 1792 AD
    (D) 1729 AD

6. When did Commander Robert Peary discovered North Pole?
    (A) 1904
    (B) 1905
    (C) 1908
    (D) 1909

7. When did China exploded first atomic device?
    (A) 1962
    (B) 1963
    (C) 1964
    (D) 1965

8. When did first test tube baby - Louise Brown born?
    (A) 1939
    (B) 1958
    (C) 1981
    (D) 1978

9. In which year during World War I, USA declared war on Germany, Britain defeated Turkey and captured Baghdad and Jerusalem?
    (A) 1917
    (B) 1918
    (C) 1919
    (D) 1920

10. In which of the following years, the membership of the Security Council was increased from 11 to 15 (under Article 23)?
    (A) 1960
    (B) 1965
    (C) 1972
    (D) 1975

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