MCQ Quiz Questions on International Days & Years - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

MCQ Quiz Questions on International Days & Years - Set 05

GK Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. The largest party of Ireland, the Ulster Unionist Party, endorses the Northern Ireland peace deal between British and Irish governments in
    (A) 1997
    (B) 1988
    (C) 1998
    (D) 1990

2. The first man-made satellite, Sputnik I was launched by the former USSR in
    (A) 1957
    (B) 1955
    (C) 1967
    (D) 1970

3. Soviet Union was disintegrated in the year
    (A) 1981
    (B) 1991
    (C) 1992
    (D) 1997

4. Second world-War was fought during the period
    (A) 1933-35
    (B) 1934-38
    (C) 1939-45
    (D) 1946-49

5. Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on
    (A) May 8
    (B) May 18
    (C) June 8
    (D) June 18

6. Which day is observed as World Tourism Day?
    (A) January 1
    (B) September 27
    (C) May 31
    (D) None of these

7. Which year is observed as Poverty Eradication Year by SAARC?
    (A) 1998
    (B) 1997
    (C) 1996
    (D) 1995

8. When did US solar system probe Voyager-two discovered six new moons of the planet Uranus?
    (A) 1986
    (B) 1916
    (C) 1946
    (D) 1966

9. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in
    (A) 1917
    (B) 1918
    (C) 1919
    (D) 1920

10. In which year, the new currency ‘Euro’ was introduced?
    (A) 1996
    (B) 1999
    (C) 1998
    (D) 1987

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