Practice Test: Question Set - 01
Directions: Question No. 01 to 06
questions are based on the given diagram in which the triangle stands for
honest persons, circle stands for educated persons, square stands for
hardworking persons and rectangle stands for poor persons. Different regions in
the diagram are numbered from 1 to 12 which shows the number of different types
of persons. Study the diagram carefully to answer the following questions:
1. Number of people who are neither educated nor poor but honest, are;
- (A) 3
- (B) 4
- (C) 5
- (D) 8
2. Number of people who are neither hardworking nor educated but honest, are;
- (A) 2
- (B) 5
- (C) 6
- (D) 7
3. Number of people who are honest as well as hardworking and educated but not poor, are;
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
4. Number of people who are hardworking and honest but are neither educated nor poor, are;
- (A) 2
- (B) 3
- (C) 4
- (D) 5
5. Numbers of people who are poor, hardworking, educated and honest are;
- (A) 1
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 4
6. Numbers of people who are poor, hardworking and educated are;
- (A) 7
- (B) 8
- (C) 9
- (D) 11
Directions: Question No. 07 to 11
In the
following figure, the circle denotes intelligent persons; the triangle is for
creative persons, while the rectangle consists of lazy persons. Refer to this
figure to answer these questions:
7. Who are creative but lazy persons?
- (A) A
- (B) E and F
- (C) F
- (D) C
8. Who are creative and lazy but not intelligent persons?
- (A) A, C and F
- (B) F
- (C) C and F
- (D) D, E and F
9. Who are intelligent as well as creative persons?
- (A) B
- (B) F
- (C) A
- (D) D
10. Who are intelligent but lazy persons?
- (A) G
- (B) D
- (C) E
- (D) F
11. Who are intelligent and lazy but creative persons?
- (A) E
- (B) A,
D and E
- (C) E,
F and G
- (D) None
of these
Directions: Question No. 12 to 15
In the given
figure, the circle stands for the honest, the hexagon stands for the
politicians, the triangle stands for the rural and the rectangle stands for the
popular. Study the figure carefully to answer these questions:
12. Non-rural, dishonest and non-popular person politicians are indicated by the region;
- (A) 9
- (B) 12
- (C) 8
- (D) 10
13. Popular, honest and non-rural politicians are indicated by the region;
- (A) 6
- (B) 11
- (C) 3
- (D) 9
14. Rural politicians who are neither honest nor popular are indicated by the region;
- (A) 5
- (B) 2
- (C) 3
- (D) 6
15. Rural honest persons who are neither popular nor politicians are indicated by the region;
- (A) 9
- (B) 6
- (C) 2
- (D) 4
Venn Diagram:
Formula: Venn Diagram Formulas
Solved Examples: Solved Examples: Set 01
Practice Test: Practice Test: 01 Practice Test: 02
Formula: Venn Diagram Formulas
Solved Examples: Solved Examples: Set 01
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