GK Practice Test: Question Set - 11
1. The largest airport in the world is
- (A) Palam
- (B) Indira
Gandhi International Airport
- (C) Cochin
International Airport
- (D) King
Khalid International Airport
2. The official working languages recognized by the UNO are
- (A) Chinese
and English
- (B) French
and Russian
- (C) Spanish
and Arabic
- (D) All
of the above
3. The Secretary-General is required to submit an annual report on the work of the UN to
- (A) The
General Assembly
- (B) The
Security Council
- (C) The
Trusteeship Council
- (D) All
of the above simultaneously
4. The term used when a member of a legislature leaves his party on whose ticket he was elected to join the ruling party or the opposition, is called
- (A) Floor
- (B) Fourth
- (C) Fifth
- (D) Free ports
5. The news agency Reuters belongs to which of the following country?
- (A) Palestine
- (B) Yugoslavia
- (C) Vietnam
- (D) UK
6. The sacred place of the followers of Shintoism is
- (A) Central
shrine of Ise (Central of Japan)
- (B) Yasukuni
Shrine in Tokyo
- (C) Both are
- (D) None of the
7. The ruling party of Singapore, where no opposition parties are allowed is called
- (A) People's
- (B) People's
Action Party
- (C) Labour Party
- (D) Communist
8. The process of revival of learning that swept across Europe in 15th and 16th centuries is called
- (A) Feudalism
- (B) Crusade
- (C) Renaissance
- (D) Communism
9. The significance of the lotus symbol is
- (A) Culture
and civilization
- (B) Peace
- (C) Justice
- (D) Sign
of mourning, in protest
10. The number of judges is European Court of Human Rights are
- (A) 5
- (B) 11
- (C) 21
- (D) 15
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