G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 10
1. Resurgent India Bonds were issued in US dollar, Pound Sterling and
- (A) Japanese Yen
- (B) Deutsche
- (C) Euro
- (D) French Franc
2. If the RBI adopts an expansionist open market operations policy, this means that it will
- (A) Buy
securities from non-government holders
- (B) Sell
securities in the open market
- (C) Offer
commercial banks more credit in the open market
- (D) Openly
announce to the market that it intends to expand credit
3. In which of the following sequences the change in quantity of money leads to change in price level in the Keynesian models?
- (A) Change in
quantity of money - change in investment - change in employment and output -
change in rate of interest - change in price level
- (B) Change in
quantity of money - change in employment and output - change in investment -
change in the rate of interest - change in price level
- (C) Change
in quantity of money - change in investment - change in rate of interest -
change in employment and output - change in price level
- (D) Change in
quantity of money - change in rate of interest - change in investment - change
in employment and output - change in price level
4. One of the reasons for India's occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the years has been that
- (A) Investment
pattern has been directed towards capital intensive industries
- (B) Productivity
in agriculture has been high enough to induce people to stay with agriculture
- (C) Ceiling
on land holdings have enabled more people to own land and hence their
preference to stay with agriculture
- (D) People
are largely unaware of the significance of transition from agriculture to
industry for economic development
5. In India, inflation measured by the
- (A) Wholesale
Price Index number
- (B) Consumers
Price Index for urban non-manual workers
- (C) Consumers
Price Index for agricultural workers
- (D) National
Income Deflation
6. The budget deficit means
- (A) The
excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue
- (B) Difference
between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure
- (C) Difference
between all receipts and all the expenditure
- (D) Fiscal
deficit less interest payments
7. Which of the following is the most appropriate cause of exports surplus?
- (A) Country's
exports promotion value
- (B) Country's
stringent import policy
- (C) Developments
in national and international markets
- (D) None
of the above
8. ICICI is the name of a
- (A) Chemical
- (B) Bureau
- (C) Corporation
- (D) Financial
9. States earn maximum revenue through
- (A) Land revenue
- (B) Custom
- (C) Commercial
- (D) Excise
duties on intoxicants
10. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme replacing Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme was introduced in the year
- (A) 1997
- (B) 1998
- (C) 1999
- (D) 2000
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