Belt Drives Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Belt Drives Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. If P1 and P2 are the tight and slack side tensions in the belt, then the initial tension Pi (neglecting centrifugal tension) will be equal to

      Where Pc is centrifugal tension

    (A) P1 - P2
    (B) P1 + P2
    (C) ½ (P1 + P2)
    (D) ½ (P1 + P2) + Pc

2. Which is positive drive?
    (A) Flat belt drive
    (B) V-belt drive 
    (C) Crossed belt drive 
    (D) Timing belt 

3. The condition for maximum power transmission is that the maximum tension in the flat belt should be equal to

      Where, Pc = tension in belt due to centrifugal force

    (A) 3 Pc
    (B) Pc
    (C) Pc/3
    (D) 2 Pc

4. The belt slip occurs due to
    (A) Heavy load 
    (B) Loose belt 
    (C) Driving pulley too small 
    (D) Any one of the above 

5. If P1 and P2 are the tight and slack side tensions in the belt, then the initial tension Pi (considering centrifugal tension) will be equal to

      Where Pc is centrifugal tension

    (A) P1 - P2
    (B) P1 + P2
    (C) ½ (P1 + P2)
    (D) ½ (P1 + P2) + Pc

6. The arms of the pulleys for flat belt drive have
    (A) Elliptical cross-section 
    (B) Major axis in plane of rotation 
    (C) Major axis twice the minor axis 
    (D) All the three characteristics 

7. The centrifugal tension in belts
    (A) Decreases the power transmitted 
    (B) Increases the power transmitted 
    (C) Increase the wrap angle 
    (D) Increases the belt tension without increasing power transmission 

8. The power transmitted by belt drive depends upon
    (A) Belt velocity
    (B) Initial belt tension
    (C) Arc of contact
    (D) All of the above

9. The stress induced in the belt is,
    (A) Tensile stress 
    (B) Compressive stress 
    (C) Direct shear stress 
    (D) Torsional shear stress

10. The ratio of belt tensions (P1/P2) considering centrifugal force in flat belt is given by


      m = mass of belt per meter (kg/m)

      v = belt velocity (m/s)

      f = coefficient of friction

      α = angle of wrap (radians)

    (A) (P1 - mv2)/(P2 - mv2) = e
    (B) P1/P2 = e
    (C) P1/P2 = e-fα
    (D) (P1 - mv2)/(P2 - mv2) = e-fα

11. If P1 and P2 are the tight and slack side tensions in the belt, then the initial tension Pi (according to Barth) will be equal to

      Where Pc is centrifugal tension

    (A) (√P1 + √P2/2)2
    (B) P1 + P2
    (C) ½ (P1 + P2)
    (D) ½ (P1 + P2) + Pc

12. In case of V-belt drive
    (A) The belt should touch the bottom of groove in the pulley 
    (B) The belt should not touch the bottom of groove in the pulley 
    (C) The belt should not touch the sides of groove in the pulley 
    (D) None of the above

13. A V-belt designated as B 4430 Lp has
    (A) 4430 mm as diameter of small pulley
    (B) 4430 mm as nominal pitch length
    (C) 4430 mm as diameter of large pulley 
    (D) 4430 mm as centre distance between pulleys 

14. The suitable material for belt in agricultural machinery is
    (A) Leather
    (B) Rubber
    (C) Cotton duck
    (D) Balata gum

15. Fabric belts are used in industrial applications because
    (A) They are cheap 
    (B) They can work at high temperature 
    (C) They are unaffected by moisture and humidity 
    (D) None of the above 

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