Computer Language Processors Questions and Answers - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

Computer Language Processors Questions and Answers - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as
    (A) Syntax analysis
    (B) Lexical analysis
    (C) Interpretation analysis
    (D) General syntax analysis

2. Convert the ASLA assembly language instructions into hexadecimal machine language:
    (A) 0111EF
    (B) 9001E6
    (C) DA000F
    (D) 40

3. Which of the following system program forgoes the production of object code to generate absolute machine code and load it into the physical main storage location from which it will be executed immediately upon completion of the assembly?
    (A) Two pass assembler
    (B) Load-and-go assembler
    (C) Macroprocessor
    (D) Compiler

4. Convert the 11014B machine language instructions into assembly language, assuming that they were not generated by pseudo-ops:
    (A) ASRA
    (B) LOADA h#OD4E, i
    (C) STOREA h#014B, d
    (D) ADDA h#01FE, i

5. The function(s) of the Storage Assignment is/are:
    (A) To assign storage to all variables referenced in the source program
    (B) To assign storage to all temporary locations that are necessary for intermediate results
    (C) To assign storage to literals, and to ensure that the storage is allocated and appropriate locations are initialized
    (D) All of the above

6. A compiler for a high-level language that runs on one machine and produces code for a different machine is called
    (A) Optimizing compiler
    (B) One pass compiler
    (C) Cross compiler
    (D) Multipass compiler

7. Loaders that allow for program relocation are called
    (A) Relocating loaders
    (B) Relative loaders
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) None of the above

8. The advantage(s) of incorporating the macro processor into pass 1 is/ are:
    (A) Many functions do not have to be implemented twice
    (B) Functions are combined and it is not necessary to create intermediate files as output from the macro processor and input to the assembler
    (C) More flexibility is available to the programmer in which he/she may use all the features of the assembler in conjunction with macros
    (D) All of the above

9. The task(s) of the Lexial analysis phase is/are:
    (A) To parse the source program into the basic elements or tokens of the language
    (B) To build a literal table and an identifier table
    (C) To build a uniform symbol table
    (D) All of the above

10. The system/370 assembler language
    (A) Is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system
    (B) Is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain
    (C) Allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time
    (D) Allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program

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