Computer Networks Computer Based MCQ Test - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Computer Networks Computer Based MCQ Test - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. The set of optimal routes from all sources to a given destination from a tree rooted to the destination is known as ________
    (A) Binary tree
    (B) Sparse tree
    (C) Sink tree
    (D) AVL tree

2. ________ change their routing decisions to reflect changes in the topology.
    (A) Non-adaptive algorithms
    (B) Adaptive algorithms
    (C) Static algorithms
    (D) Recursive algorithms

3. Flooding always choose the _________
    (A) Shortest path
    (B) First path
    (C) Last path
    (D) Largest path

4. In link state routing, after the construction of link state packets new routes are computed using _________
    (A) Bellman Ford algorithm
    (B) DES algorithm
    (C) Dijkstra’s algorithm
    (D) Leaky bucket algorithm

5. The processes that keep track of all mobile hosts visiting the area is _________
    (A) Home agent
    (B) Mobile agent
    (C) Foreign agent
    (D) User agent

6. In closed loop congestion control techniques, the decisions are based on the __________
    (A) Concept of a feedback loop
    (B) Concept of a forward loop
    (C) Concept of current state of network
    (D) None of these

7. The service of closed loop congestion control technique is _________
    (A) When to accept new traffic
    (B) When to discard the packets
    (C) Monitor the system to detect when and where congestion occurs
    (D) Which packets to discard

8. Terminals are required for _________
    (A) Real-time, batch processing & timesharing
    (B) Real-time, timesharing & distributed message processing
    (C) Real-time, distributed processing & manager inquiry
    (D) Real-time, time sharing & message switching

9. The DNS name space is divided into non-overlapping __________
    (A) Regions 
    (B) Blocks
    (C) Divisions
    (D) Zones

10. How many cross points are needed in a single stage switch with 40 inputs and 50 outputs.
    (A) 40
    (B) 50
    (C) 90
    (D) 2000

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