Artificial Intelligence Practice Test - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Artificial Intelligence Practice Test - Set 05

Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. The symbols used in describing the syntax of a programming language are
    (A) 0
    (B) {}
    (C) ""
    (D) <>

2. In LISP, the addition 3 + 2 is entered as
    (A) 3 + 2
    (B) 3 add 2
    (C) 3 + 2 =
    (D) (+ 3 2)

3. In LISP, the atom that stands for "true" is
    (A) t
    (B) ml
    (C) y
    (D) Time

4. A mouse device may be:
    (A) Electro-chemical
    (B) Mechanical
    (C) Optical
    (D) Both (b) and (c)

5. Weak AI is
    (A) The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
    (B) A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it were generated by humans
    (C) The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
    (D) None of the above

6. The area of AI that investigates methods of facilitating communication between people and computers is:
    (A) Natural language processing
    (B) Symbolic processing
    (C) Decision support
    (D) Robotics

7. The Personal Consultant is based on:
    (A) EMYCIN
    (B) OPS5+
    (C) XCON
    (D) All of the above

8. In the 16th century, a Czech rabbi reportedly created a living clay man whose name has become a synonym for an artificial human. The clay man's name was:
    (A) Frankenstein
    (B) Golem
    (C) Paracelsus
    (D) Hal

9. In LISP, the function assigns the symbol x to y is
    (A) (setq y x)
    (B) (set y = 'x')
    (C) (setq y = 'x')
    (D) (setq y 'x')

10. The CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) technique based on programmed instruction is:
    (A) Frame-based CAI
    (B) Generative CAI
    (C) Problem-solving CAI
    (D) Intelligent CAI

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