C++ Programming Online Practice Test - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

C++ Programming Online Practice Test - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Originally ‘C’ was developed as:
    (A) System programming language
    (B) General purpose language
    (C) Data processing language
    (D) None of above

2. Latency time is:
    (A) Time taken by read/write head mechanism to position itself over appropriate cylinder
    (B) Time taken to transfer a data from memory
    (C) Time taken by appropriate sector to come under read/write head
    (D) None of above

3. The two types of file structure existing in VSAM file are
    (A) Key sequenced structure, entry sequenced structure
    (B) Key sequence structure, exit sequenced structure
    (C) Entry sequence structure, exit sequenced structure
    (D) None of above

4. How many copies of a class static member are shared between objects of the class?
    (A) A copy of the static member is shared by all objects of a class
    (B) A copy is created only when at least one object is created from that class
    (C) A copy of the static member is created for each instantiation of the class
    (D) No memory is allocated for static members of a class

5. Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?
    (A) for
    (B) while
    (C) do-while
    (D) no looping process checks the test condition at the end

6. The default access level assigned to members of a class is ________
    (A) Private
    (B) Public
    (C) Protected
    (D) Needs to be assigned

7. Which of the following language is not supported by C++?
    (A) Exception Handling
    (B) Reflection
    (C) Operator Overloading
    (D) Namespaces

8. Class derived: public base1, public base2 { } is an example of
    (A) Polymorphic inheritance
    (B) Multilevel inheritance
    (C) Hierarchical inheritance
    (D) Multiple inheritance

9. Which of the following languages is a subset of C++ language?
    (A) C language
    (B) Java Language
    (C) C# language
    (D) language

10. How do we declare an ‘interface’ class?
    (A) By making all the methods pure virtual in a class
    (B) By making all the methods abstract using the keyword ‘abstract’ in a class
    (C) By declaring the class as interface with the keyword ‘interface’
    (D) It is not possible to create interface class in C++

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