Exam Preparation Online Disk Operating System - Set 07 - ObjectiveBooks

Exam Preparation Online Disk Operating System - Set 07

Practice Test: Question Set - 07

1. Which command of DOS is used to compare two floppy disks?
    (D) FORMAT A: B:

2. Which command is used to delete the directory and all its contents in one step?
    (A) DEL *.*
    (B) RD
    (D) CD

3. Suppose you had an incurable computer virus and decided to wipe out all the data and partitions on your hard drive and reformat. What is the order in which you must delete the partitions?
    (A) Extended, Logical, Primary
    (B) Primary, Extended, Logical
    (C) Logical, Extended, Primary
    (D) Logical, Primary, Extended

4. Which DOS command will configure a serial printing port?
    (A) Parallel serial
    (B) Mode LPT1=C0M1
    (C) Direct LPTl=COMl
    (D) Mode printer ()-serial ()

5. While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to specify the size of the disk to format.
    (A) FORMAT/F : size
    (B) FORMAT/N : sector
    (C) FORMAT/T : tracks
    (D) FORMAT/V

6. What does MSCDEX.EXE do?
    (A) Configures hard drives
    (B) It’s a SCSI driver
    (C) BIOS setup
    (D) It's a CD-ROM DOS driver

7. While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to copy all files from the currently logged drive and directory with the extension .TXT to the drive A?
    (A) COPY A: *.TXT
    (B) COPY *.TXT A:
    (C) COPY *.TXT C:

8. While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to specify the colour display, 40 columns and color?
    (B) MODE/C
    (C) MODE CO40

9. While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to compare the disk in drive A with the disk in drive B, specifying to compare only first side of each disk, and only the first 8 sectors of each track?
    (A) DISKCOPY A: B:/8
    (B) DISKCOMP A: B:/l/8
    (C) DISKCOMP A: B:/8
    (D) DISKCOMP A: B:/l

10. Using the _____ switch causes FDISK to display the partition status of your hard disk without executing FDISK.
    (A) /show
    (B) /display
    (C) /status
    (D) /part

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