Today, all competitive exams are Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) based examination system and the main factor is to answer each question in a prescribed time. So, practice as much as possible before the original test you are going to face.
Total number of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) is 15 and time allotted for each question is 30 seconds. After the allotted time, the question will be marked as un-attempt.
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01. In ROM BIOS, the acronym BIOS stands for:
(A) Basic Intuitive Output Set
(B) Basic Input Organizational System
(C) Basic Input Output System
(D) Basic Industry Operating System
Answer: Option C
02. Which of the following is not one of the three primary functions that on-line direct-access systems can serve?
(A) Inquiry
(B) Backup
(C) Update
(D) Programming
Answer: Option B
03. A scheme describes
(A) Data elements
(B) Records and files
(C) Record relationships
(D) All of the above
Answer: Option D
04. Which of the following files contains information related to password aging?
(A) Shadow
(B) Password
(C) Profile
(D) All the three
Answer: Option B
05. For a Macintosh to print successfully, the System Folder must contain:
(A) File sharing software
(B) A printer enabler
(C) The apple Garamond font set
(D) A printer driver
Answer: Option D
06. On a systems flowchart, the online manual keeping of input data is identified by using the
(A) Online storage symbol
(B) Online keyboard symbol
(C) Keeping operation symbols
(D) Manual operation symbols
Answer: Option B
07. The octal representation 652 indicates
(A) Execute permission for the owner
(B) Write permission for others
(C) Read and write permission of groups
(D) None of the above
Answer: Option B
08. A combinational logic circuit which sends data coming from a single source to two or more separate destinations is
(A) Decoder
(B) Encoder
(C) Multiplexer
(D) De-multiplexer
Answer: Option D
09. What does GNU stand for?
(A) GNU's not Unix
(B) Greek Needed Unix
(C) General Unix
(D) General Noble Unix
Answer: Option A
10. Examples are packet switching using frame relay, and cell switching using ATM technologies. Select the best fit for answer:
(A) Bandwidth alternatives
(B) Switching alternating
(C) Inter organizational networks
(D) Extranets
Answer: Option B
11. Which of the following addressing modes, facilitates access to an operand whose location is defined relative to the beginning of the data structure in which it appears?
(A) Ascending
(B) Sorting
(C) Index
(D) Indirect
Answer: Option C
12. Object-oriented programmers primarily focus on _________
(A) Procedures to be performed
(B) The step-by-step statements needed to solve a problem
(C) Objects and the tasks that must be performed with those objects
(D) The physical orientation of objects within a program
Answer: Option C
13. The disk concept for reducing time lost from rotational delay is:
(A) Fixed block addressing
(B) Cylinder, track, sector data
(C) Staggered addressing
(D) Graduated block identification
Answer: Option C
14. If a transistor operates at the middle of the load line, an increase in the current gain will move the Q point
(A) Down
(B) Up
(C) Nowhere
(D) Off the load line
Answer: Option B
15. In Inkjet technology the droplets of ink are deflected by?
(A) Multi directional nozzles
(B) Electronically charged plates
(C) High pressure plates
(D) Electro static absorption
Answer: Option A