Computer Fundamentals mcq Online - Set 56 - ObjectiveBooks

Computer Fundamentals mcq Online - Set 56

Practice Test: Question Set - 56

1. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. This feature is known as
    (A) Accuracy
    (B) Reliability
    (C) Versatility
    (D) Automatic

2. A directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a _______ resident package.
    (A) CPU
    (B) Memory
    (C) Buffer
    (D) ALU

3. When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?
    (A) 1978
    (B) 1984
    (C) 1990
    (D) 1991

4. The operation of a digital computer is based on _______ principle.
    (A) Counting
    (B) Measuring
    (C) Electronic
    (D) Logical

5. A code which uses more bits for each character then what is necessary is known as
    (A) Hollerith code
    (B) Gray code
    (C) Redundant code
    (D) Mnemonics

6. The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called binary digits or _______
    (A) Bytes
    (B) Kilobytes
    (C) Decimal bytes
    (D) Bits

7. A stand-alone system which produces one page of printed output at a time is
    (A) Page printer
    (B) Line printer
    (C) Laser printer
    (D) Dot matrix printer

8. Compression of digital data for efficient storage is
    (A) Buffer
    (B) CPU
    (C) Packing
    (D) Field

9. What is the name of the chip which has more than once processor on it?
    (A) Parallel chip
    (B) Multi-processor chip
    (C) Transputer
    (D) Parallel processor

10. General purpose computers are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its
    (A) Keyboard
    (B) Printer
    (C) Program
    (D) Display screen

11. Communication between computers using standard telephone service
    (A) Requires a change to an analog signal
    (B) Is most efficient
    (C) Produces little noise and few disturbances
    (D) All of the above

12. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques?
    (A) Laser printers
    (B) Dot-Matrix
    (C) Line printer
    (D) Daisy wheel

13. Conversion of an octal number 738 to binary number is
    (A) 1101112
    (B) 1111002
    (C) 1100102
    (D) 1110112

14. The heart of any computer is the
    (A) CPU
    (B) Memory
    (C) I/O Unit
    (D) Disks

15. A flat-bed plotter uses a pen which moves in two directions across a piece of paper fixed on a flat-bed. Can you tell who controls the movements of this pen?
    (A) Microfilm
    (B) Microfiche
    (C) Film card
    (D) COM

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