Operating Systems Questions for Interview - Set 11 - ObjectiveBooks

Operating Systems Questions for Interview - Set 11

Practice Test: Question Set - 11

1. Which of the following scheduling objectives should be applied to the following: the system should admit jobs to create a mix that will keep most devices busy
    (A) To be fair
    (B) To balance resource utilization
    (C) To obey priorities
    (D) To be predictable

2. What is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes several programs concurrently by switching back and forth between them?
    (A) Partitioning
    (B) Multitasking
    (C) Windowing
    (D) Paging

3. The command interpreter
    (A) Is usually the primary user interface
    (B) Requires fixed format commands
    (C) Is menu drive
    (D) Is quite different from the SCL interpreter

4. A development strategy whereby the executive control modules of a system are coded and tested first, is known as
    (A) Bottom-up development
    (B) Top-down development
    (C) Left-Right development
    (D) All of the above

5. Uniform Symbols Table
    (A) Contains all constants in the program
    (B) A permanent table of decision rules in the form of patterns for matching with the uniform symbol table to discover syntactic structure
    (C) Consists of a full or partial list of the token's as they appear in the program. Created by Lexical analysis and used for syntax analysis and interpretation
    (D) A permanent table which lists all key words and special symbols of the language in symbolic form

6. IBM released its first PC in 1981. Can you name the operating system which was most popular at that time?
    (A) MS-DOS
    (B) PC-DOS
    (C) OS/360
    (D) CP/M

7. Which policy replaces a page if it is not in the favored subset of a process's pages?
    (A) FIFO
    (B) LRU
    (C) LFU
    (D) Working set

8. Data encryption
    (A) Is mostly used by public networks
    (B) Is mostly used by financial networks
    (C) Cannot be used by private installations
    (D) Is not necessary, since data cannot be intercepted

9. Which of following is/are the advantage(s) of modular programming?
    (A) The program is much easier to change
    (B) Modules can be reused in other programs
    (C) Easy debugging
    (D) Easy to compile

10. The initial value of the semaphore that allows only one of the many processes to enter their critical sections, is
    (A) 8
    (B) 1
    (C) 16
    (D) 10

11. Assembler language
    (A) Is usually the primary user interface
    (B) Requires fixed-format commands
    (C) Is a mnemonic form of machine language
    (D) Is quite different from the SCL interpreter

12. Block caches or buffer caches are used
    (A) To improve disk performance
    (B) To handle interrupts
    (C) To increase the capacity of the main memory
    (D) To speed up main memory read operation

13. The principles of structured programming forbid the use of
    (A) WHILE-DO
    (B) GOTO
    (D) DO-WHILE

14. Producer consumer problem can be solved using
    (A) Semaphores
    (B) Event counters
    (C) Monitors
    (D) All of the above

15. In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term "Machine independent optimization" is associated with
    (A) Recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions
    (B) Recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols
    (C) Creation of more optional matrix
    (D) Use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code

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