Computer Science Microsoft Excel Questions with Answers - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

Computer Science Microsoft Excel Questions with Answers - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Comments put in cells are called
    (A) Smart tip
    (B) Cell tip
    (C) Web tip
    (D) Soft tip

2. To center worksheet titles across a range of cells, you must
    (A) Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be centered
    (B) Widen the columns
    (C) Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be enfettered
    (D) Format the cells with the comma style

3. Text formulas:
    (A) Replace cell references
    (B) Return ASCII values of characters
    (C) Concatenate and manipulate text
    (D) Show formula error value

4. Rounding errors can occur
    (A) When you use multiplication, division, or exponentiation in a formula
    (B) When you use addition and subtraction in a formula
    (C) Because excel uses hidden decimal places in computation
    (D) When you show the results of formulas with different decimal places that the calculated results

5. You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by
    (A) You can use the format painter button only one time when you click it
    (B) Double clicking the format painter button
    (C) Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
    (D) Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button

6. Excel probably considers the cell entry January 1,2000 to be a
    (A) Label
    (B) Value
    (C) Formula
    (D) Text string

7. You want to track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis. Which type of chart should you use?
    (A) Pie chart
    (B) Row chart
    (C) Line chart
    (D) Column chart

8. You can edit a cell by
    (A) Clicking the formula button
    (B) Double clicking the cell to edit it in-place
    (C) Selecting Edit > Edit Cell from the menu
    (D) None of above

9. Right clicking something in Excel:
    (A) Deletes the object
    (B) Nothing the right mouse button is there for left handed people
    (C) Opens a shortcut menu listing everything you can do to the object
    (D) Selects the object

10. The autofill feature
    (A) Extends a sequential series of data
    (B) Automatically adds range of cell values
    (C) Applies a boarder around the selected cells
    (D) None of the above

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