HTML Online Computer Test Questions - Set 09 - ObjectiveBooks

HTML Online Computer Test Questions - Set 09

Practice Test: Question Set - 09

1. Which of the following is not a valid alignment attribute?
    (A) Left
    (B) Right
    (C) Top
    (D) All of above

2. Which tag allows you to add a row in a table?
    (A) <td> and </td>
    (B) <cr> and </cr>
    (C) <th> and </th>
    (D) <tr> and </tr>

3. What is a search engine?
    (A) A program that searches engines
    (B) A web site that searches anything
    (C) A hardware component
    (D) A machinery engine that search data

4. <UL> … </UL> tag is used to ________
    (A) Display the numbered list
    (B) Underline the text
    (C) Display the bulleted list
    (D) Bold the text

5. Which of the following is used to explore the Internet?
    (A) Browser
    (B) Spreadsheet
    (C) Clipboard
    (D) Draw

6. Output of XML document can be viewed in a
    (A) Word Processor
    (B) Web browser
    (C) Notepad
    (D) None of the above

7. What is the use of iframe in HTML?
    (A) To display a web page within a web page
    (B) To display a web page with animation effect
    (C) To display a web page without browser
    (D) All of the Above

8. Which of the following is the correct regarding meta tag in HTML?
    (A) <meta> … </meta>
    (B) <meta name = ” ” />
    (C) <metadata> … </metadata>
    (D) <metadata name = ” ” />

9. Which of the following is used to create web pages?
    (A) HTML
    (B) C
    (C) JVM
    (D) DTD

10. PCs running Windows 3.x will have __________extension for html pages
    (A) .htl
    (B) .html
    (C) .htm
    (D) .hml

11. _________ connects web pages.
    (A) Connector
    (B) Link
    (C) Hyperlink
    (D) None of the above

12. In order to connect to ISP’s server you need _________
    (A) Hand gloves
    (B) Printer
    (C) User name and Password
    (D) None of the above

13. The leading bit pattern of class B network is _________
    (A) 0
    (B) 10
    (C) 110
    (D) 11

14. What is the language of the Web?
    (A) Basic
    (B) C++
    (C) MS Visual Basic
    (D) HTML

15. What should be the first tag in any HTML document?
    (A) <head>
    (B) <title>
    (C) <html>
    (D) <document>

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