Chemistry GK quiz MCQ - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemistry GK quiz MCQ - Set 05

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. Nowadays many novel chemicals are being synthesized termed as xenobiotics. The unique feature of these is what they are
    I. Biodegradable
    II. Non-biodegradable
    III. Pose on environmental threat
    IV. They are environment friendly
    (A) I, III
    (B) II, III
    (C) I, III, IV
    (D) II, III, IV

2. Soil acidity is generally corrected by
    (A) Proper irrigation
    (B) Adding sodium hydroxide
    (C) Liming
    (D) Application of fertilizers

3. Recently lead free petrol was introduced in our country because
    (A) They are not needed now as anti-knock agents
    (B) They tower the efficiency of the engine
    (C) They cause less pollution
    (D) To reduce the cost of petrol

4. Sulphur is not present in
    (A) Iron pyrites
    (B) Gypsum
    (C) Coal
    (D) Chlorapatite

5. The frequency of which of the following is the highest?
    (A) Gamma rays
    (B) Light waves
    (C) Micro waves
    (D) Radio waves

6. The purest form of water can be obtained from
    (A) A deep tube-well
    (B) A running stream
    (C) A hot water spring
    (D) A heavy shower of rain

7. The main use of salt in the diet is to
    (A) Make the taste of food better
    (B) Produce in small amounts the hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of food
    (C) Ease the process of cooking
    (D) Increase the solubility of food particles in water

8. The oil used in the froth flotation process is
    (A) Coconut oil
    (B) Olive oil
    (C) Kerosene oil
    (D) Pine oil

9. The material which can be deformed permanently by heat and pressure is called a
    (A) Thermoplastic
    (B) Thermoset
    (C) Chemical compound
    (D) Polymer

10. The ionic radii of N3-, O2-, F- and Na+ follows the order
    (A) N3- > O2- > F- > Na+
    (B) N3- > Na+ > O2- > F-
    (C) Na+ > O2- > N3- > F-
    (D) O2- > F- > Na+ > N3-

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