Chemistry Online GK Test Questions - Set 03 - ObjectiveBooks

Chemistry Online GK Test Questions - Set 03

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. Lime is sometimes applied to soil in order to
    (A) Increase the alkalinity of the soil
    (B) Increase the acidity of the soil
    (C) Restore nitrates to the soil
    (D) Make the soil more porous

2. Which of the following chemicals is useful in photography?
    (A) Aluminium hydroxide
    (B) Potassium nitrate
    (C) Silver bromide
    (D) Sodium chloride

3. Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because
    (A) It has a high boiling point
    (B) It has a high dipole moment
    (C) It has a high specific heat
    (D) It has no colour

4. Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda?
    (A) Potassium chloride
    (B) Potassium carbonate
    (C) Potassium hydroxide
    (D) Sodium bicarbonate

5. What does happen when water is condensed into ice?
    (A) Heat is absorbed
    (B) Heat is released
    (C) Quantity of heat remains unchanged
    (D) None of these

6. The air we inhale is mixture of gases. Which of the following gases in the mixture is highest in percentage?
    (A) Carbon dioxide
    (B) Nitrogen
    (C) Oxygen
    (D) Ozone

7. The chief constituent of gobar gas is
    (A) Ethane
    (B) Methane
    (C) Hydrogen
    (D) Carbon dioxide

8. The reaction which converts sugar solution into alcohol is an example of
    (A) Saponification
    (B) Hydrogenation
    (C) Fermentation
    (D) Hydrolysis

9. In which of the following pairs, the two substances forming the pair are chemically most dissimilar?
    (A) Sugar and paper
    (B) Butter and paraffin wax
    (C) Chalk and marble
    (D) Charcoal and diamond

10. The agent which is oxidized in photosynthesis is
    (A) Sunlight
    (B) Carbon dioxide
    (C) Water
    (D) Chlorophyll

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