Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. Which of the following conditions of loading imposes the greatest load on the foundation in case of dry docks?
- (A) When the dock is empty
- (B) When the dock is empty with the ship of maximum
- (C) When the dock is full of water
- (D) When the dock is dry and is under construction
2. Which of the following structures are constructed parallel to shore line to develop a demarcating line between land area and water area?
- (A) Sea walls, bulk heads and groynes
- (B) Sea walls, bulk heads and revetments
- (C) Sea walls, revetments and groynes
- (D) Bulk heads, revetments and groynes
3. In multiple point mooring system, vessel is secured to minimum of
- (A) Two points
- (B) Four points
- (C) Six points
- (D) Eight points
4. As compared to wall type breakwater, mound type breakwater
- (A) Requires skilled labor
- (B) Requires low maintenance cost
- (C) Requires less material
- (D) Results in less damage due to gradual failure
5. In a two lane channel, bottom width of channel is given by
- (A) Manoeuvring lane + (2 × Bank clearance lane)
- (B) (2 × Manoeuvring lane) + (2 × Bank clearance
- (C) (2 × Manoeuvring lane) + (2 × Bank clearance
lane + ship clearance lane)
- (D) Manoeuvring lane + (2 × Bank clearance lane) + ship
clearance lane
6. In basins subjected to strong winds and tide, the length of the berthing area should not be less than
- (A) The length of design vessel
- (B) The length of design vessel + 10% clearance
between adjacent vessels
- (C) The length of design vessel + 20% clearance between
adjacent vessels
- (D) Twice the length of design vessel
7. A ship strikes the berth generally at an angle
- (A) 90° with the face of the dock
- (B) 45° with the face of the dock
- (C) 30° with the face of the dock
- (D) 10° with the face of the dock
8. If ‘Hs’ is the significant wave height, then the average wave height and highest wave height respectively are given by
- (A) 0.6 Hs and 1.67 Hs
- (B) 0.6 Hs and 1.87 Hs
- (C) 1.27 Hs and 1.87 Hs
- (D) 1.27 Hs and 1.67 Hs
9. The difference in height between highest high water and lowest low water is called
- (A) Mean range
- (B) Maximum range
- (C) Maximum rise
- (D) Mean rise
10. When a ship floats at its designed water line, the vertical distance from water line to the bottom of the ship is known as
- (A) Beam
- (B) Depth
- (C) Free-board
- (D) Draft
11. By increasing the rise of lock-gates,
(i) The length of the lock gate will
(ii) Transverse stress due to water pressure
on the gate will increase
(iii) Compressive force on the gate will
Of these statements
- (A) (i) and (ii) are correct
- (B) (i) and (iii) are correct
- (C) Only (ii) is correct
- (D) Only (iii) is correct
12. For designing the dock, the proportion of ship load assumed to be borne by keel blocks is
- (A) 5/8
- (B) 3/8
- (C) 3/16
- (D) 5/16
13. As per Berlin's formula, the length of wave in meters is given by
(Where ’t’ is the period in seconds for two
successive waves to pass the same section.)
- (A) 1.3412
- (B) 1.5612
- (C) 1.7412
- (D) 1.9412
14. When a wave strikes a vertical breakwater in deep water, it is reflected back and on meeting another advancing wave of similar amplitude merges and rises vertically in a wall of water. This phenomenon is called
- (A) Surf
- (B) Clapotis
- (C) Fetch
- (D) Swell
15. Select the incorrect statement.
- (A) The progress of work in low level method of mound
construction is very slow
- (B) Barge method of mound construction is
- (C) In low level method of mound construction, the area
of working is limited
- (D) In staging method of mound construction, the
work is not interrupted even during stormy weather
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