GK Practice Test: Question Set - 08
1. The headquarter of the International Court of Justice are at
- (A) Geneva
- (B) The Hague
- (C) Rome
- (D) Vienna
2. The purpose of United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) is
- (A) Studying
population dynamics
- (B) Collecting
population data
- (C) Evolving
population policies, family planning and related programmes
- (D) All of the
3. The regional economic commissions of the Economic and social Council (UNO) are
- (A) ECE (Economic
Commission of Europe) and ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia)
- (B) ECLA
(Economic Commission for Latin America) and ECA (Economic Commission for
- (C) ECWA
(Economic Commission for Western Asia) and ECLA
- (D) All of the
4. What is the purpose of 'United Nations Conference on Trade and Development' (UNCTAD)?
- (A) Promotes
International Trade with a view to accelerate economic growth of developing
- (B) Promotes
International Monetary co-operation & expansion of International Trade
- (C) Set
rules for World Trade
- (D) None of the
5. What was the purpose of establishing the European Economic Community (EEC)?
- (A) To
promote a common market and economic prosperity among member countries
- (B) To create a
single market for free import and export among
- (C) Both (a) and
- (D) None of the
6. The total number of Judges of the International Court of Justice is
- (A) 10
- (B) 12
- (C) 15
- (D) 18
7. Headquarters of UNO are situated at
- (A) New York,
- (B) Haque
- (C) Geneva
- (D) Paris
8. Which of the following of the members of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)?
- (A) Algeria,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait
- (B) Libya,
United Arab Emirates, Nigeria
- (C) Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Venezuela
- (D) All
of the above
9. The headquarter of European Court of Justice (ECJ) are situated at
- (A) Luxembourg
- (B) Paris
- (C) Strasbourg
- (D) San
Jose, Costa Rica
10. The principal bodies of the UNO are
- I. The General Assembly and the Security Council
- II. The Economic and Social Council
- III. International Court of Justice
- IV. Trusteeship Council and secretariat
- (A) I
- (B) I, II
- (C) I, II, III
- (D) All of the