GK Practice Test: Question Set - 04
1. India was elected as a President of General Assembly of the United Nations in 1953. Who occupied this office on behalf of India?
- (A) S.
Radha Krishnan
- (B) Gopalswamy
- (C) V.K. Krishna
- (D) Vijayalakshmi
2. The Indian delegation to the first World Conference on Human Rights was led by
- (A) Dr.
Manmohan Singh
- (B) Farooq
- (C) Dinesh singh
- (D) Alam
3. Besides UK, USA, Germany and Japan the G-7 countries includes
- (A) Canada,
France and Russia
- (B) Canada,
Italy and Netherlands
- (C) France,
Netherlands and Russia
- (D) Canada,
France and Italy
4. Which of the following countries is not a member of the G-8 group?
- (A) Germany
- (B) France
- (C) Italy
- (D) Spain
5. Which of the following international organizations has started the scheme 'Partnership for Peace' for a group of nations?
- (A) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- (B) Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP)
- (C) North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- (D) Organizations
of African Unity (OAU)
6. Amnesty International has its headquarters at
- (A) Berlin
- (B) New York
- (C) Washington
- (D) London
7. The headquarters of International Labour Organization is at
- (A) Paris
- (B) New York
- (C) Hague
- (D) Geneva
8. Where was the first ever security Council Summit meeting held in early 1992?
- (A) New York
- (B) Paris
- (C) Geneva
- (D) London
9. The United Nations is considered as a universal organization. Which organ of the united nations fully represents the fact?
- (A) The Economic
and Social Council
- (B) The Security
- (C) The
- (D) The
General Assembly
10. Where is the permanent secretariat of the SAARC?
- (A) Kathmandu
- (B) New Delhi
- (C) Islamabad
- (D) Colombo