Basic Electricity Multiple Choice Questions Quiz - Set 08 - ObjectiveBooks

Basic Electricity Multiple Choice Questions Quiz - Set 08

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 08

1. The efficiency of a transformer is usually of the order of
    (A) 33 %
    (B) 50 %
    (C) 75 %
    (D) 98 %

2. The dielectric strength of transformer oil should be of the order of
    (A) 415 kV
    (B) 6.6 kV
    (C) 11 kV
    (D) 30 kV

3. If the secondary winding of the current transformer is opened when current is flowing in the primary current, then following will result
    (A) There will be high current in the secondary winding
    (B) There will be very high induced voltage in the secondary winding
    (C) There will be very weak flux density in the core
    (D) The transformer will burn immediately

4. It is possible to extend the range of an A.C ammeter by using
    (A) Current transformer (CT)
    (B) Shunt
    (C) Capacitor
    (D) Inductor coil

5. Which of the following voltmeters should be selected for most accurate reading?
    (A) 100 V, 1 A
    (B) 100 V, 100 ohms/volt
    (C) 100 V, 1 mA
    (D) 100 V, 100 mA

6. Which of the following instrument will be used to measure alternating current?
    (A) Moving iron voltmeter
    (B) Permanent magnet type ammeter
    (C) Induction type ammeter
    (D) Moving iron (attraction type) ammeter

7. The internal impedance of an accurate voltmeter should be
    (A) As low as possible
    (B) Low
    (C) Negligible
    (D) Very high

8. A moving coil instrument can be used to measure
    (A) Low frequency alternating current
    (B) High frequency alternating current
    (C) Direct current
    (D) Direct current and alternating current both

9. Which of the following statement is true?
    (A) A galvanometer with low resistance in series is an ammeter
    (B) A galvanometer with high resistance in series is an ammeter
    (C) A galvanometer with high resistance in parallel is a voltmeter
    (D) A galvanometer with low resistance in parallel is a voltmeter

10. High current of the order of 100 A can be measured by an ammeter of 0 - 1 A rating by using
    (A) Shunt
    (B) Capacitor
    (C) R-C network
    (D) Current transformer

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