GK Test on World Geography - Set 08 - ObjectiveBooks

GK Test on World Geography - Set 08

GK Practice Test: Question Set - 08

1. The mean basin area of successive ordered streams formed a linear relationship when graphed. This statement is given by
    (A) Morph metric analysis
    (B) Law of drainage composition
    (C) Law of basin areas
    (D) None of the above

2. The highest mountains on earth namely mount Everest, K2, Kanchenjunga are located in
    (A) The greater Himalayas
    (B) The Lesser Himalayas
    (C) The outer Himalayas
    (D) None of the above

3. The model which explains the various types of igneous rocks
    (A) Rock cycle
    (B) Bowens reaction series
    (C) Both are similar terms
    (D) None of the above

4. The most notable example of a tectonic valley is that of the
    (A) Doon valley
    (B) Kashmir valley
    (C) Plains of Aksai Chin
    (D) None of the above

5. The length of the day is determined in
    (A) Astronomical units
    (B) Solar terms
    (C) Length of the hours
    (D) None of the above

6. The largest continent in the world is
    (A) Africa
    (B) Asia
    (C) Australia
    (D) Antarctica

7. Which of the following is a warm current?
    (A) Benguela current
    (B) Labrador current
    (C) Kurosiwo current
    (D) South Pacific current

8. The main crops of kharif are
    (A) Rice, jowar, bajra
    (B) Ragi, maize
    (C) Cotton, jute
    (D) All of the above

9. The length of the tropical years (the time interval between successive occurrences of the spring equinox) is decreasing very slowly as a result of
    (A) Small, progressive changes in the earth's rotational speed
    (B) Small, progressive change in earth's orbit around the sun
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) None of the above

10. The longest era of the classification of the history of earth is
    (A) Cainozoic era
    (B) Pre-Cambrian era
    (C) Palaeozoic era
    (D) Mesozoic era

11. The temperature increases rapidly after
    (A) Ionosphere
    (B) Exosphere
    (C) Stratosphere
    (D) Troposphere

12. The rock formations that cannot store groundwater are called
    (A) Aquifers
    (B) Aquicludes
    (C) Perched aquifer
    (D) Spring

13. The ocean water is saline due to
    (A) Evaporation of its surface
    (B) Volume of fresh water added by rainfall
    (C) Salts are already present in sea water
    (D) Both (a) and (b)

14. The process of soil development is called
    (A) Leaching
    (B) Illuviation
    (C) Eluviations
    (D) Pedogenesis

15. The processes that may cause physical weathering or mechanical rupture are
    (A) Abrasion, crystallization, pressure release
    (B) Abrasion, oxidation, hydrolysis
    (C) Crystallization, carbonation, thermal insulation
    (D) None of the above

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