World Geography Objective Questions and Answers - ObjectiveBooks

World Geography Objective Questions and Answers

GK Practice Test: Question Set - 22

1. The transport of warm air toward the poles and cold air toward the equator is due to
    (A) The temperature gradient
    (B) The development of waves
    (C) The latitude difference
    (D) The longitude difference

2. The term 'flora' in the context of natural vegetation refers to
    (A) Assemblage of plant species living in association with each other in a given environmental frame
    (B) Plants of a particular region or period, listed by species and considered as a group
    (C) A large tract covered by trees and shrubs and its administration for assessing economic benefits
    (D) Role played by species of animals in the maintenance of ecological balance

3. The soils common to the south eastern USA are called
    (A) Ultisols
    (B) Alfisols
    (C) Aridsols
    (D) Mollisols

4. The type of igneous rock that form from magma is a function of
    (A) The chemical composition of the magma
    (B) Temperature of solidification
    (C) The rate of cooling, which influences the crystallization process
    (D) All of the above

5. The short term variations of the atmosphere, ranging from minutes to months are called
    (A) Climate
    (B) Weather
    (C) Temperature
    (D) Humidity

6. The tropical cyclones with maximum sustained surface winds of 33 ms are called
    (A) Tropical depressions
    (B) Tropical storms
    (C) Hurricane
    (D) None of the above

7. The term 'regur' refers to
    (A) Deltaic alluvial soils
    (B) Lateral soils
    (C) Black cotton soils
    (D) Red and yellow soils

8. The smallest glaciers are
    (A) Mountain or alpine glaciers
    (B) Continental glaciers
    (C) Piedmont glaciers
    (D) None of the above

9. Which of the following is measured on the Richter scale?
    (A) Density of liquids
    (B) Intensity of earthquakes
    (C) Velocity of tornadoes
    (D) Height of mountains

10. The type of soil needed for rice is
    (A) Clayey loam
    (B) Rich, muddy and saturated with water
    (C) Deep, loamy, well drained
    (D) Humus, rich in Fe and potash

11. The traditional lands of the nomads of Central Asia are
    (A) Mongolia and Tibet
    (B) Sinkiang and Turkistan
    (C) Kirghiz steppe
    (D) All of the above

12. The smallest annual temperature range occurs in the
    (A) Equatorial tropical climate zone
    (B) Subtropical climate zone
    (C) Temperate climate zone
    (D) Polar climate zone

13. The time at a place is determined by
    (A) The parallels of longitude
    (B) The parallels of latitude
    (C) Distance from equator
    (D) Distance from prime meridian

14. The time difference between each side of the International Date line is
    (A) 12 hours
    (B) 24 hours
    (C) 36 hours
    (D) 48 hours

15. The spiral flow in a stream caused by channel shape is called
    (A) Stream flow
    (B) Laminar flow
    (C) Turbulent flow
    (D) Helical flow

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