Water Supply Engineering Free Quiz Tests - Set 08 - ObjectiveBooks

Water Supply Engineering Free Quiz Tests - Set 08

Practice Test: Question Set - 08

1. The efficiency of sedimentation tank does not depend upon
    (A) Depth of tank
    (B) Length of tank
    (C) Detention period
    (D) Velocity of water

2. Velocity of flow of water in plain sedimentation water tank, is normally kept
    (A) 3 cm/minute
    (B) 10 cm/minute
    (C) 20 cm/minute
    (D) 30 cm/minute

3. Hard water contains
    (A) Calcium
    (B) Magnesium bicarbonates
    (C) Magnesium sulphate
    (D) All the above

4. The depth of the water table at a place is 45 m below the general ground level. To lift water from a deep tube well in such a locality, the type of pump to be installed is
    (A) Centrifugal pump
    (B) Reciprocating pump
    (C) Deep well turbine pump
    (D) None of these

5. In a well planned city, the layout of distribution pipes generally adopted, is
    (A) Grid-iron system
    (B) Interlaced system
    (C) Reticulation system
    (D) All the above

6. A water channel supported above the ground over trestles, is generally called
    (A) Flume
    (B) Canal
    (C) Aqueduct
    (D) Tunnel

7. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
    (A) Free surface ground water is subjected to atmospheric pressure
    (B) Water table surface rises and falls with seasons
    (C) Depth of water table is directly proportional to the rate of drawl of water
    (D) Level of water table remains stationary

8. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
    (A) The flow in strainer type wells is radial
    (B) The flow in cavity type wells in spherical
    (C) In strainer type wells, area of flow depends upon the length of the strainer pipe
    (D) In cavity type wells, area of flow depends upon the size of the cavity

9. As per IS : 1172-1963, water required per head per day for average domestic purposes, is
    (A) 50 liters
    (B) 65 liters
    (C) 85 liters
    (D) 135 liters

10. Water to the consumers may be supplied from
    (A) Infiltration galleries connected to sump well
    (B) Infiltration well dug out on the banks of rivers
    (C) Ranney wells sunk to the water level
    (D) All the above

11. The duration of contact of chlorine with water before it is served to the first consumer, should be at least
    (A) 10 to 15 minutes
    (B) 15 to 20 minutes
    (C) 20 to 30 minutes
    (D) 30 to 40 minutes

12. Water supply system includes
    (A) Digging a well for water
    (B) Construction of dams
    (C) Construction of canals
    (D) Entire arrangement from source to distribution

13. The maximum pressure to which a pipe is subjected to during its operation, is known
    (A) Working pressure
    (B) Design pressure
    (C) Test pressure
    (D) Pipe pressure

14. For the same draw down in two observations wells at distances r1 and r2, the times after start of pumping are t1 and t2 hours respectively. The relation which holds good is
    (A) t2 = r2/r1 × t1
    (B) t2 = (r2/r1)² × t1
    (C) t2 = (r2/r1)3 × t1
    (D) t2 = (r2/r1) × t12

15. Q is the discharge from an unconfined tube well with depression head s through its pipe of radius rw. If the radius of influence is R, the length of the required strainer, is
    (A) 2.3Q log10 (R/rw)2
    (B) 2.3Q loge (R/rw)2
    (C) 2.3Q loge (R/rw)/2πKs
    (D) 2.3Q log10 (R/rw)/2πKs

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