Database Management System MCQ Questions with Answers - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Database Management System MCQ Questions with Answers - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Which of the following in not a function of DBA?
    (A) Network Maintenance
    (B) Routine Maintenance
    (C) Schema Definition
    (D) Authorization for data access

2. Which of the following is not Modification of the Database?
    (A) Deletion
    (B) Insertion
    (C) Sorting
    (D) Updating

3. A command to remove a relation from an SQL database
    (A) Delete table <table name>
    (B) Drop table <table name>
    (C) Erase table <table name>
    (D) Alter table <table name>

4. Which of the following in true regarding Referential Integrity?
    (A) Every primary-key value must match a primary-key value in an associated table
    (B) Every primary-key value must match a foreign-key value in an associated table
    (C) Every foreign-key value must match a primary-key value in an associated table
    (D) Every foreign-key value must match a foreign-key value in an associated table

5. Which of the following is based on Multi Valued Dependency?
    (A) First
    (B) Second
    (C) Third
    (D) Fourth

6. A form can be used to
    (A) Modify records
    (B) Delete records
    (C) Format printed output
    (D) All of the above

7. The physical location of a record is determined by a mathematical formula that transforms a file key into a record location in
    (A) A tree file
    (B) An indexed file
    (C) A hashed file
    (D) A sequential file

8. In order to use a DBMS, it is important to understand
    (A) The physical schema
    (B) All sub-schemas that the system supports
    (C) One subschema
    (D) Both (a) and (b)

9. An operation that will increase the length of a list is
    (A) Insert
    (B) Look-up
    (C) Modify
    (D) None of the above

10. There are certain packages that allow people to define data items, place these items in particular records, combine the records into designated files and then manipulate and retrieve the stored data. What are they called?
    (A) Data storage system
    (B) Database management system (DBMS)
    (C) Batch processing system
    (D) Data communication package

11. To have a file hold a list, it is necessary to
    (A) Identify the records in the list
    (B) Identify the name, width and type of the fields of each record
    (C) Decide which fields will be used as sort or index keys
    (D) All of the above

12. In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to redefine an index's future storage allocation
    (D) DO INDEX

13. _________ refers to the correctness and completeness of the data in a database?
    (A) Data security
    (B) Data integrity
    (C) Data constraint
    (D) Data independence

14. The main idea behind computer files is that it is convenient to
    (A) Arrange them
    (B) Store information together
    (C) Create them
    (D) Access them

15. One data dictionary software package is called
    (A) DB/DC dictionary
    (B) TOTAL
    (C) ACCESS
    (D) Any of the above

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