Powerpoint Multiple Choice Questions - Set 16 - ObjectiveBooks

Powerpoint Multiple Choice Questions - Set 16

Practice Test: Question Set - 16

1. Which of the following allow you to select more than one slide in a presentation?
    (A) Alt + Click each slide
    (B) Shift + drag each slide
    (C) Shift + Click each slide
    (D) Ctrl + Click each slide

2. To add a header or footer to your handout, you can use
    (A) The title master
    (B) The slide master
    (C) The handout master
    (D) All of above

3. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the
    (A) Table slide
    (B) Graph slide
    (C) Bullet slide
    (D) Title slide

4. Good design determines
    (A) Credibility
    (B) Readability
    (C) First impression
    (D) All of above

5. How do you add degrees of transparency to shapes such as arrows, so that the slide background shows though?
    (A) Use #D style 4 button on the drawing toolbar
    (B) Use the Set Transparent Color button on the Picture toolbar
    (C) Use the Transparency slider in the Format AutoShapes dialog box
    (D) All of above

6. An organization has a president, vice president, managers and supervisors. On what level of an organization chart are the vice presidents?
    (A) Fourth level
    (B) Third level
    (C) Second level
    (D) First level

7. Which of the following must be used with the mouse when you want to resize an image from the center and keep it proportioned?
    (A) The space bar
    (B) The alt key
    (C) The ctrl key
    (D) The shift key

8. Which of the following feature allows you to select more than one slide in slide sorter view?
    (A) Alt + Click each slide
    (B) Shift + drag each slide
    (C) Shift + Click each slide
    (D) Ctrl + Click each slide

9. Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show
    (A) F1
    (B) F2
    (C) F5
    (D) F10

10. Which of the following is not a feature of PowerPoint?
    (A) Printing transparencies
    (B) Printing the speaker’s notes along with slide images
    (C) Linking a slide transition with a laser pointer
    (D) Drawing with a pen

11. Which of the following will not advance the slides in a slide show view?
    (A) The esc key
    (B) The space bar
    (C) The enter key
    (D) The mouse button

12. Which of the following statement is false?
    (A) If you choose to select from one of the pre-made slide layouts, you can change the positioning
    (B) If you choose to select from the pre-made slide layouts, you cannot delete the objects in the layout
    (C) Blank Slide is at the top of the ‘Content Layouts’ area in the Slide Layout panel
    (D) All of above are false statements

13. Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?
    (A) Ctrl + N
    (B) Ctrl + M
    (C) Ctrl + S
    (D) All of above

14. Slide Transaction can be apply to
    (A) Current Slide
    (B) Selected Slides
    (C) All Slides
    (D) All of the above

15. Which of the following statement is true?
    (A) You can insert text boxes from drawing toolbar in PowerPoint
    (B) You cannot insert text boxes from drawing toolbar in PowerPoint
    (C) Text boxes are provides when you choose a layout and can’t be inserted afterwards
    (D) None of above

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