Manufacturing Engineering MCQ Online Practice Test - Set 19 - ObjectiveBooks

Manufacturing Engineering MCQ Online Practice Test - Set 19

Practice Test: Question Set - 19

1. A process of removing metal by pushing or pulling a cutting tool is called
    (A) Up milling
    (B) Down milling
    (C) Forming
    (D) Broaching

2. In hot machining, tool is made of
    (A) Tungsten carbide
    (B) Brass or copper
    (C) Diamond
    (D) Stainless steel

3. The size of abrasive grain required in a grinding wheel depends upon the
    (A) Amount of material to be removed
    (B) Hardness of material being ground
    (C) Finish desired
    (D) All of these

4. A _________ grinding wheel is used to grind soft materials.
    (A) Course grained
    (B) Medium grained
    (C) Fine grained
    (D) None of these

5. Drilling is an example of
    (A) Orthogonal cutting
    (B) Oblique cutting
    (C) Simple cutting
    (D) Uniform cutting

6. When the metal is removed by erosion caused by rapidly recurring spark discharges between the tool and work, the process is known as
    (A) Electrochemical machining
    (B) Electro-discharge machining
    (C) Ultrasonic machining
    (D) None of these

7. With the same tool life, the maximum material per minute is removed by
    (A) Increasing the cutting speed
    (B) Decreasing the cutting speed
    (C) Increasing the depth of cut
    (D) Increasing the feed rate

8. A set of eight form relieved milling cutters for each module is provided to enable cutting of gears of different
    (A) Materials
    (B) Types of gears
    (C) Number of teeth
    (D) Width of gears

9. The ratio between two consecutive spindle speeds for a six-speed drilling machine using drills of diameter 6.25 to 25 mm size and at a cutting velocity of 18 m/min is
    (A) 1.02
    (B) 1.32
    (C) 1.66
    (D) 1.82

10. The abrasive recommended for grinding materials of low tensile strength is
    (A) Silicon carbide
    (B) Aluminium oxide
    (C) Sand stone
    (D) Diamond

11. Down milling is also called
    (A) Conventional milling
    (B) Climb milling
    (C) End milling
    (D) Face milling

12. The correct sequence of tool materials in increasing order of their ability to retain their hot hardness is
    (A) Carbide, ceramic, cermet, borazon
    (B) Ceramic, carbide, borazon, cermet
    (C) Cermet, carbide, ceramic, borazon
    (D) Borazon, ceramic, carbide, cermet

13. The process of changing the shape of grinding wheel as it becomes worn due to breaking away of the abrasive and bond, is called
    (A) Truing
    (B) Dressing
    (C) Facing
    (D) Clearing

14. Gear burnishing is a process for
    (A) Surface finishing
    (B) Undercut gears
    (C) Cycloidal gears
    (D) Removing residual stresses from teeth roots

15. The factor responsible for the formation of continuous chips with built up edge is
    (A) Low cutting speed and large rake angle
    (B) Low cutting speed and small rake angle
    (C) High cutting speed and large rake angle
    (D) High cutting speed and small rake angle

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