Manufacturing Process - Set 08 - ObjectiveBooks

Manufacturing Process - Set 08

Practice Test: Question Set - 08

1. The snag grinding is done
    (A) To produce good surface finish and high degree of accuracy
    (B) To remove considerable amount of metal without regard to accuracy of the finished surface
    (C) To grind exterior cylindrical surfaces
    (D) Any one of the above

2. In ultrasonic machining, tool is made of
    (A) Tungsten carbide
    (B) Brass or copper
    (C) Diamond
    (D) Stainless steel

3. Stellite preserves hardness up to a temperature of
    (A) 350°C
    (B) 500°C
    (C) 900°C
    (D) 1100°C

4. Low helix angle drills are preferred for drilling holes in
    (A) Plastics
    (B) Copper
    (C) Cast steel
    (D) Carbon steel

5. The angle between the shear plane and _________ is called shear angle.
    (A) Work surface
    (B) Tool face
    (C) Machine surface
    (D) None of these

6. In hot machining, the work is heated by
    (A) Simple heating
    (B) Flame heating
    (C) Induction heating
    (D) Any one of these

7. While cutting helical gears on a non-differential gear hobber, the feed change gear ratio is
    (A) Independent of index change gear ratio
    (B) Dependent on speed change gear ratio
    (C) Interrelated to index change gear ratio
    (D) Independent of speed and index change gear ratio

8. The rake angle required to machine brass by high speed steel tool is
    (A) 0°
    (B) 10°
    (C) 20°
    (D) 100°

9. For machining a mild steel workpiece by a high speed steel tool, the average cutting speed is
    (A) 5 m/min
    (B) 10 m/min
    (C) 15 m/min
    (D) 30 m/min

10. The factor considered for evaluation of machinability is
    (A) Cutting forces and power consumption
    (B) Tool life
    (C) Type of chips and shear angle
    (D) All of these

11. Lathe bed is made of
    (A) Mild steel
    (B) Alloy steel
    (C) Pig iron
    (D) Chilled cast iron

12. The drill spindles are provided with standard taper known as
    (A) Morse taper
    (B) Seller's taper
    (C) Chapman taper
    (D) Brown and Sharpe taper

13. The cutting force in up milling ________ per tooth movement of the cutter.
    (A) Is zero
    (B) Is maximum
    (C) Decreases from maximum to zero
    (D) Increases from zero to maximum

14. A left hand tool on a lathe cuts most efficiently when it travels
    (A) From left to right end of the lathe bed
    (B) From right to left end of the lathe bed
    (C) With the help of a compound slide
    (D) Across the bed

15. Side rake angle of a single point cutting tool is the angle
    (A) By which the face of the tool is inclined towards back
    (B) By which the face of the tool is inclined sideways
    (C) Between the surface of the flank immediately below the point and a plane at right angles to the centre line of the point of the tool
    (D) Between the surface of the flank immediately below the point and a line drawn from the point perpendicular to the base

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