Production Technology MCQ Online Practice Test - Set 24 - ObjectiveBooks

Production Technology MCQ Online Practice Test - Set 24

Practice Test: Question Set - 24

1. Continuous chips with built up edge are formed during machining of
    (A) Brittle metals
    (B) Ductile metals
    (C) Hard metals
    (D) Soft metals

2. The relief or clearance at the cutting edge of a flat drill varies from
    (A) 3° to 8°
    (B) 20° to 30°
    (C) 60° to 90°
    (D) 90° to 120°

3. Lapping is an operation of
    (A) Making a cone-shaped enlargement of the end of a hole
    (B) Smoothing and squaring the surface around a hole
    (C) Sizing and finishing a small diameter hole
    (D) Producing a hole by removing metal along the circumference of a hollow cutting tool

4. The usual value of the point angle of a drill is
    (A) 70°
    (B) 100°
    (C) 118°
    (D) 130°

5. The lip clearance angle is the angle formed by the
    (A) Leading edge of the land with a plane having the axis of the drill
    (B) Flank and a plane at right angles to the drill axis
    (C) Chisel edge and the lip as viewed from the end of a drill
    (D) None of the above

6. The relation between tool life (T) and cutting speed (V) is VTn = Constant. In this relation, the value of n depends upon
    (A) Work material
    (B) Tool material
    (C) Working conditions
    (D) Type of chip produced

7. The grinding wheel speed (surface speed in m/min) usually varies from
    (A) 500 to 1000
    (B) 1000 to 1500
    (C) 1500 to 2000
    (D) 2000 to 2500

8. In oblique cutting system, the cutting edge of the tool
    (A) May clear the width of the workpiece
    (B) May or may not clear the width of the workpiece
    (C) May not clear the width of the workpiece
    (D) Should always clear the width of the workpiece

9. The purpose of jigs and fixtures is to
    (A) Increase machining accuracy
    (B) Facilitate interchangeability
    (C) Decrease expenditure on quality control
    (D) All of these

10. Flank wear depends upon the
    (A) Hardness of the work and tool material at the operating temperature
    (B) Amount and distribution of hard constituents in the work material
    (C) Degree of strain hardening in the chip
    (D) All of these

11. The in-feed grinding is used to
    (A) Produce tapers
    (B) Grind shoulders and formed surfaces
    (C) Grind long, slender shafts or bars
    (D) All of these

12. In up milling, the thickness of chip is
    (A) Minimum at the beginning of the cut and maximum at the end of the cut
    (B) Maximum at the beginning of the cut and minimum at the end of the cut
    (C) Uniform throughout the cut
    (D) None of these

13. dynamo-meter is a device used for the measurement of
    (A) Chip thickness ratio
    (B) Forces during metal cutting
    (C) Wear of the cutting tool
    (D) Deflection of the cutting tool

14. The cutting speed is minimum while machining _________ with a high speed steel tool.
    (A) Cast iron
    (B) Mild steel
    (C) Brass
    (D) Aluminium

15. The lip angle is the angle
    (A) Between the tool face and the ground end surface of flank
    (B) Made by the face of the tool and the plane parallel to the base of the cutting tool
    (C) Between the face of the tool and a line tangent to the machined surface at the cutting point
    (D) None of the above

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