Strength of Materials MCQ Practice Tests - Set 09 - ObjectiveBooks

Strength of Materials MCQ Practice Tests - Set 09

Practice Test: Question Set - 09

1. Proof resilience per material is known as
    (A) Resilience
    (B) Proof resilience
    (C) Modulus of resilience
    (D) Toughness

2. The capacity of a strained body for doing work on the removal of the straining force, is called
    (A) Strain energy
    (B) Resilience
    (C) Proof resilience
    (D) Impact energy

3. In a tensile test on mild steel specimen, the breaking stress as compared to ultimate tensile stress is
    (A) More
    (B) Less
    (C) Same
    (D) More/less depending on composition

4. A column of length (l) with both ends fixed may be considered as equivalent to a column of length __________ with both ends hinged.
    (A) l/8
    (B) l/4
    (C) l/2
    (D) l

5. If the depth is kept constant for a beam of uniform strength, then its width will vary in proportional to
    (A) Bending moment (i.e. M)
    (B) Bending moment² (i.e.  M²)
    (C) Bending moment³ (i.e. M³)
    (D) Bending moment⁴ (i.e. M⁴)

6. In a tensile test, near the elastic limit zone, the
    (A) Tensile strain increases more quickly
    (B) Tensile strain decreases more quickly
    (C) Tensile strain increases in proportion to the stress
    (D) Tensile strain decreases in proportion to the stress

7. The pull required to crush the rivet per pitch length is
    (A) p.t.σt
    (B) d.t.σc
    (C) π/4 ×× σt
    (D) π/4 ×× σc

8. The total strain energy stored in a body is termed as
    (A) Resilience
    (B) Proof resilience
    (C) Modulus of resilience
    (D) Toughness

9. The extension of a circular bar tapering uniformly from diameter d₁ at one end to diameter d₂ at the other end and subjected to an axial pull of ‘P’ is given by
    (A) δl = 4PE/ πl²
    (B) δl = 4πld²/PE
    (C) δl = 4Pl/πEd₁d₂
    (D) δl = 4PlE/ πd₁d₂

10. The maximum bending moment for the beam shown in the below figure, is
Strength of Materials  - Set 09, Question No. 10
    (A) wl²/33
    (B) wl²/63
    (C) wl²/93
    (D) wl²/123

11. Efficiency of a riveted joint is the ratio of its strength (max. load it can resist without failure) to the strength of the unpunched plate in
    (A) Tension
    (B) Compression
    (C) Bearing
    (D) Any one of the above

12. The pull required to tear off the plate per pitch length is (where p = Pitch of rivets, t = Thickness of plates, and σt, τ and σc = Permissible tensile, shearing and crushing stresses respectively)
    (A) (p - 2d) t × σc
    (B) (p - d) t × τ
    (C) (p - d) t × σt
    (D) (2p - d) t × σt

13. In a belt drive, the pulley diameter is doubled, the belt tension and pulley width remaining same. The changes required in key will be
    (A) Increase key length
    (B) Increase key depth
    (C) Increase key width
    (D) Double all the dimensions

14. In the below figure, curve D represents_________.
Strength of Materials  - Set 09, Question No. 14
    (A) Mild steel
    (B) Cast iron
    (C) Concrete
    (D) Bone of these

15. The bending moment of a cantilever beam of length ‘l’ and carrying a uniformly distributed load of ‘w’ per unit length is __________ at the fixed end.
    (A) wl/4
    (B) wl/2
    (C) wl
    (D) wl²/2

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