Strength of Materials Practice Test - Set 07 - ObjectiveBooks

Strength of Materials Practice Test - Set 07

Practice Test: Question Set - 07

1. The percentage reduction in area of a cast iron specimen during tensile test would be of the order of
    (A) More than 50%
    (B) 25-50%
    (C) 10-25%
    (D) Negligible

2. The deformation of a bar under its own weight is _________ the deformation, if the same body is subjected to a direct load equal to weight of the body.
    (A) Equal to
    (B) Half
    (C) Double
    (D) Quadruple

3. The ratio of maximum shear stress developed in a rectangular beam and a circular beam of the same cross-sectional area is
    (A) 2/3
    (B) 3/4
    (C) 1
    (D) 9/8

4. Formula based on IS codes is based on
    (A) Straight line formula
    (B) Euler’s formula
    (C) Rankine’s formula
    (D) Secant formula

5. Resilience of a material is considered when it is subjected to
    (A) Frequent heat treatment
    (B) Fatigue
    (C) Creep
    (D) Shock loading

6. The buckling load for a given column depends upon
    (A) Area of cross-section of the column
    (B) Length and least radius of gyration of the column
    (C) Modulus of elasticity for the material of the column
    (D) All of the above

7. The shear force at the center of a simply supported beam with a gradually varying load from zero at both ends to w per meter at the center, is
    (A) Zero
    (B) wl/4
    (C) wl/2
    (D) wl²/2

8. A riveted joint in which the number otrivets decrease from innermost to outer most rows is called
    (A) Chain riveted joint
    (B) Diamond riveted joint
    (C) Crisscross riveted joint
    (D) Zigzag riveted joint

9. A closely-coiled helical spring is cut into two halves. The stiffness of the resulting spring will be
    (A) Same
    (B) Double
    (C) Half
    (D) One-fourth

10. The torsional rigidity of a shaft is expressed by the
    (A) Maximum torque it can transmit
    (B) Number of cycles it undergoes before failure
    (C) Elastic limit up to which it resists torsion, shear and bending stresses
    (D) Torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft

11. The limit of eccentricity for no tensile conditions for a column of circular section of diameter (d) is
    (A) d/4
    (B) d/8
    (C) d/12
    (D) d/16

12. The property of a material by virtue of which a body returns to its original, shape after removal of the load is called
    (A) Plasticity
    (B) Elasticity
    (C) Ductility
    (D) Malleability

13. The state of stress at a point in a loaded member is shown in the below figure. The magnitude of maximum shear stress is
Strength of Materials  - Set 07, Question No. 13
    (A) 10 MPa
    (B) 30 MPa
    (C) 50 MPa
    (D) 100 MPa

14. For a beam, as shown in the below figure, the deflection at C is (where E = Young's modulus for the beam material, and I = Moment of inertia of the beam section.)
Strength of Materials  - Set 07, Question No. 14

    (A) Wl3/48 EI
    (B) Wa²b²/3EIl
    (C) [Wa/(a√3) x EIl] x (l² - a²)3/2
    (D) 5Wl3/384 EI

15. A concentrated load is one which
    (A) Acts at a point on a beam
    (B) Spreads non-uniformly over the whole length of a beam
    (C) Spreads uniformly over the whole length of a beam
    (D) Varies uniformly over the whole length of a beam

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