Biology GK Quiz Questions and Answers - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Biology GK Quiz Questions and Answers - Set 05

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. What is the normal red blood count per cubic mm?
    (A) 2 million red blood cells
    (B) 3 million red blood cells
    (C) 4 million red blood cells
    (D) 5 million red blood cells

2. How much of blood does the normal human heart on each of its contraction pump into the arteries?
    (A) 30 cm3
    (B) 60 cm3
    (C) 30 cm5
    (D) 60 cm5

3. Dialysis is used in the case of the patients suffering from
    (A) Heart disease
    (B) Kidney disease
    (C) Respiratory disease
    (D) Neurology disease

4. Sphygmomanometer measures
    (A) Blood pressure
    (B) Depth of ocean
    (C) Magnetic flux
    (D) Electric current

5. Philology is the
    (A) Study of bones
    (B) Study of muscles
    (C) Study of architecture
    (D) Science of languages

6. Which amongst the following has the lowest metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (mm3/g hour)?
    (A) Dog
    (B) Elephant
    (C) Horse
    (D) Man

7. The branch of science that studies cells is called
    (A) Cytology
    (B) Entomology
    (C) Homoplasty
    (D) Hormonology

8. The range of R.B.C to W.B.C in the human body is
    (A) 15 : 500
    (B) 10 : 500
    (C) 5 : 500
    (D) 1 : 500

9. Ecology deals with
    (A) Birds
    (B) Cell formation
    (C) Relation between organisms and their environment
    (D) Tissues

10. In which season do we need more fat?
    (A) Rainy season
    (B) Spring
    (C) Winter
    (D) Summer

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