General Knowledge Questions and Answers - Biology Set 13 - ObjectiveBooks

General Knowledge Questions and Answers - Biology Set 13

G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 13

1. One of the following is not a function of bones.
    (A) Place for muscle attachment
    (B) Protection of vital organs
    (C) Secretion of hormones for calcium regulation in blood and bones
    (D) Production of blood corpuscles

2. Placenta is the structure formed
    (A) By the union of foetal and uterine tissue
    (B) By foetus only
    (C) By fusion of germ layers
    (D) None of these

3. Ramapithecus and Cro-Magnon man are considered
    (A) Ancestors of modern man
    (B) Ancestors of monkey
    (C) Ancestors of lion
    (D) None of the above

4. On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment?
    (A) Gram
    (B) Maize
    (C) Pea
    (D) Wheat

5. One of the following is most suitable for study of mutations
    (A) Haploids
    (B) Diploids
    (C) Tetraploids
    (D) Polyploid

6. Oxyreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases are all classes of
    (A) Hormones
    (B) Enzymes
    (C) Proteins
    (D) Vitamins

7. Prokaryotic cells lack
    (A) Nucleolus
    (B) Nuclear membrane
    (C) Membrane bound by organelles
    (D) All of these

8. Out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in a cell membrane, what is true?
    (A) Lipids are maximum
    (B) Carbohydrates are minimum
    (C) Carbohydrates are maximum
    (D) All three are in equal proportion

9. Plants have _________ while animals lack it.
    (A) Starch
    (B) Cellulose
    (C) Protein
    (D) Fat

10. Nymph is the name of young one of
    (A) Butterfly
    (B) Beetle
    (C) Housefly
    (D) Cockroach

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