G.K. Practice Test: Question Set - 07
1. The conservation hawks and owls is important to mankind chiefly because these birds eat
- (A) Numerous
weed seeds
- (B) Harmful
- (C) Many
harmful rodents
- (D) Harmful
2. To prevent loss of weight plants reduce transpiration by
- (A) Shedding
of leaves
- (B) Reducing
the size of leaves
- (C) Developing
hair around stomata
- (D) All
of the above
3. How many teeth does a normal adult dog have?
- (A) 32
- (B) 34
- (C) 38
- (D) 42
4. The Mushrooms are rich sources of
- (A) Proteins
- (B) Minerals
- (C) Carbohydrates
- (D) None of
5. Which of the following acts as a resistance against in the body?
- (A) Carbohydrates
- (B) Red corpuscles
- (C) Vitamins
- (D) White
6. Filaria is caused by
- (A) Bacteria
- (B) Mosquito
- (C) Protozoa
- (D) Virus
7. The most important reason for dwindling forest resources is
- (A) Soil erosion
- (B) Forest fire
- (C) Floods
- (D) Over-felling
8. Osteology is the study of
- (A) Cell
- (B) Eyes
- (C) Nose
- (D) Bones
9. The universal donor blood group is
- (A) O
- (B) A
- (C) B
- (D) AB
10. In Typhoid which part of the body is affected?
- (A) Heart
- (B) Throat
- (C) Intestine
- (D) Lung
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