Airport Engineering Civil Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 03 - ObjectiveBooks

Airport Engineering Civil Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 03

Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. Calm period is the percentage of time during which wind intensity is less than
    (A) 4.8 kmph
    (B) 6.4 kmph
    (C) 8.0 kmph
    (D) 9.6 kmph

2. For the proposed air port, the survey project provides
    (A) Master plan
    (B) Topographic plan
    (C) Grading plan
    (D) All the above

3. An airport has 4 gates. If the weighted average gate occupancy time is 30 minutes and gate utilization factor is 0.5, then the capacity of the gate will be
    (A) 1 aircraft per hour
    (B) 2 aircrafts per hour
    (C) 4 aircrafts per hour
    (D) 16 aircrafts per hour

4. The strength of winds is measured with the help of
    (A) Beaufort scale
    (B) Wind indicator
    (C) Barometers
    (D) None of these

5. As per ICAO recommendation, minimum width of safety area for instrumental runway should be
    (A) 78 m
    (B) 150 m
    (C) 300 m
    (D) 450 m

6. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) F.I.R. stands for flight information regions
    (B) Radius of control area is 160 km
    (C) Radius of control zone is 40 km
    (D) All the above

7. For determining the basic runway length, the landing case requires that aircraft should come to a stop within p % of the landing distance. The value of p is
    (A) 40 %
    (B) 50 %
    (C) 60 %
    (D) 75 %

8. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.) the strength of runway pavements, have been coded by
    (A) Seven English alphabets
    (B) Last Seven English alphabets
    (C) First Seven English alphabets
    (D) First seven numbers

9. Which of the following is an example of failure in flexible pavements?
    (A) Alligator cracking
    (B) Mud pumping
    (C) Warping cracks
    (D) Shrinkage cracks

10. For night landing, the thresholds are lighted
    (A) Green
    (B) Red
    (C) White
    (D) Yellow

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