Practice Test: Question Set - 07
1. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.), the runway lengths of aerodromes, have been coded by
- (A) Seven
English alphabets
- (B) Last
Seven English alphabets
- (C) First Seven
English alphabets
- (D) First
seven natural numbers
2. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
- (A) The
distance between the points of intersection of the extreme tangents to the
transition curve is kept greater than 7500 m × sum of grade changes at the
point of intersection
- (B) The
rate of change of grade is limited to 0.3% per 30 m length of the curve
- (C) According to
I.C.A.O. the maximum longitudinal gradient along a runway is limited to 1.5%
- (D) All the
3. The runway orientation is made so that landing and takeoff are
- (A) Against
the wind direction
- (B) Along the
wind direction
- (C) Perpendicular
to wind direction
- (D) None of
4. According to I.C.A.O. the slope of transitional surface at right angles to the centre line of runway, is kept
- (A) 1 in 4
- (B) 1 in 5
- (C) 1 in 6
- (D) 1 in 7
5. The depressions and undulations in the pavement, are caused due to
- (A) Improper
compaction of sub-grade
- (B) Impact
of heavy wheel loads
- (C) Punching
- (D) All the
6. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
- (A) In
single engine aeroplanes, the engine is provided in the nose of the aircraft
- (B) In double
engine aeroplanes, one engine on either wing is placed symmetrically
- (C) In three
engine aeroplanes, two engines are placed on both wings and one engine is
placed in the tail
- (D) None of
7. The thickness design of the pavement, is decided on the load carried by
- (A) Main gears
- (B) Nose wheel
- (C) Tail wheel
- (D) All the
8. For Class ‘A’ Air port the difference of reduced levels of higher and lower edges of the conical surface, is
- (A) 25 m
- (B) 50 m
- (C) 75 m
- (D) 100 m
9. Beaufort scale is used to determine
- (A) Strength of
- (B) Direction of
- (C) Height of
- (D) None of
10. The distance between main gears is 10 m, and the distance of nose gear from centre of main gears is 30 m. If the angle of turning is 60°, the distance of centre of rotation from the nearer main gear, is
- (A) 12.30 m
- (B) 11.30 m
- (C) 10.30 m
- (D) 9.30 m
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