Practice Test: Question Set - 05
1. The length of a meander is the distance along the river between the tangent point of one curve to the tangent point of
- (A) Reverse
- (B) Next curve
of the same order
- (C) Reverse
curve plus the width of the river
- (D) None of
2. The top of the capillary zone
- (A) Lies below
the water table at every point
- (B) Lies above
the water table at every point
- (C) Coincides
the water table at every point
- (D) None of
3. The depth of rice root zone, is
- (A) 50
- (B) 60 cm
- (C) 80
- (D) 90
4. If the irrigation efficiency is 80%, conveyance losses are 20% and the actual depth of watering is 16 cm, the depth of water required at the canal outlet, is
- (A) 10 cm
- (B) 15 cm
- (C) 20 cm
- (D) 25 cm
5. In a barrage, the crest level is kept
- (A) Low with
large gates
- (B) High with
large gates
- (C) High with no
- (D) Low with no
6. An outlet which maintains a constant discharge irrespective of fluctuation in the water levels of the supplying channel or water course, is known as
- (A) Non-modular
- (B) Semi-modular
- (C) Flexible
modular outlet
- (D) Right
modular outlet
7. In case of a trapezoidal notch fall
- (A) Top length
of the piers should not be less than their thickness
- (B) Splay
upstream from the notch section is 45°
- (C) Splay
downstream from the notch section is 22½°
- (D) All the
8. Finally formed berms in canals are provided for
- (A) Protection
of banks erosion by the waves
- (B) Control of
seepage losses
- (C) Strengthening
of banks
- (D) All the
9. Process of meandering is due to
- (A) Sediment
load of streams
- (B) Discharge
and hydraulic properties of streams
- (C) Relative
erodibility of the bed and banks
- (D) All the
10. The ratio of the rate of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change in level of water surface in a distributary at its normal depth, is known as
- (A) Efficiency
- (B) Sensitivity
- (C) Flexibility
- (D) Modular
11. The ratio of the head recovered to the head put in, is known as
- (A) Efficiency
- (B) Sensitivity
- (C) Flexibility
- (D) Modular
12. If H and d are the water depth and drop in the bed level at a Sarda fall, the width B of the trapezoidal crest, is given by
- (A) B = 0.22 √(H + d)
- (B) B = 0.33 √(H + d)
- (C) B = 0.44 √(H + d)
- (D) B = 0.55 √(H + d)
13. The scour depth D of a river during flood, may be calculated from the Lacey's equation
- (A) D = 0.47 (Q/f)
- (B) D = 0.47 (Q/f)1/2
- (C) D = 0.47 (Q/f)1/3
- (D) D = 0.47 (Q/f)2/3
14. When a canal and a drainage approach each other at the same level, the structure so provided, is
- (A) An aqueduct
- (B) A syphon
- (C) A level
- (D) Inlet and
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