Practice Test: Question Set - 07
1. The depth of the crest of a scouring sluice below the crest of a head regulator, is generally kept
- (A) 0.20 m
- (B) 1.20 m
- (C) 2.20 m
- (D) 3.20 m
2. Bligh's theory of seepage assumes
- (A) Equal
weightage to the horizontal and vertical creep
- (B) More
weightage to horizontal creep than vertical creep
- (C) Less
weightage to horizontal creep than vertical creep
- (D) Loss
of head follows the sine curve
3. If D1 and D2 are depths of water upstream and downstream of a hydraulic jump, the loss of head at the jump, is
- (A) (D₂ - D₁)3/D₁D₂
- (B) (D₂ - D₁)3/2D₁D₂
- (C) (D₂ - D₁)3/3D₁D₂
- (D) (D₂ - D₁)3/4D₁D₂
4. Garnett's diagrams are used for graphical solution of design equations of a canal by
- (A) Lacey's
- (B) Kennedy's
- (C) Gibb's
- (D) Lindlay
5. To control the silt entry into a distributary at head regulator, King's vanes are provided which are the walls
- (A) Of R.C.C. or
steel plate 8 cm thick
- (B) Of
height ⅓rd to ¼th the depth of water in the main canal
- (C) Spaced at
interval of 1½ times their heights
- (D) All the
6. Effective precipitation for a crop may be defined as
- (A) Total
precipitation minus the loss due to evaporation
- (B) Total
precipitation minus the loss due to infiltration
- (C) Total
precipitation during the crop period
- (D) Available
water stored in soil within root zone of the crop
7. If straight sides of a triangular section of a lined canal with circular bottom of radius R, make an angle θ with horizontal, the area of its cross-section, is
- (A) R (θ + tan θ)
- (B) R (θ + cot θ)
- (C) R2 (θ + tan θ)
- (D) R2 (θ + cot θ)
8. The state of the soil when plants fail to extract sufficient water for their requirements, is
- (A) Maximum
saturated point
- (B) Permanent
wilting point
- (C) Ultimate
utilization point
- (D) None of
9. The useful moisture of soil, is equal to its
- (A) Field
- (B) Saturation
- (C) Moisture
content at permanent wilting point
- (D) Difference
between filed capacity and permanent wilting point within the root zone of
10. Groynes are generally built
- (A) Perpendicular
to the bank
- (B) Inclined up
stream up to 30°
- (C) Inclined
downstream up to 30°
- (D) All the
11. Useful soil moisture for plant growth, is
- (A) Capillary
- (B) Gravity
- (C) Hygroscopic
- (D) Chemical
12. A minimum of 90 cm free board is provided if the discharge in the canal is between
- (A) 30 to 33
- (B) 30 to 60
- (C) Over 60
- (D) Over 100
13. According to Kennedy, the critical velocity (V0) in meters in a channel is the mean velocity which keeps the channel free from silting or scouring. Its value is given by (where m is critical velocity ratio and D is the depth of the channel).
- (A) V0 =
0.84 mD0.64
- (B) V0 =
0.55 mD0.64
- (C) V0 =
0.84 mD0.54
- (D) V0 =
0.55 mD0.54
14. For diversion of flood water of rivers, the type of canal constructed, is
- (A) Ridge canal
- (B) Perennial
- (C) Inundation canal
- (D) Canal
15. Lane's weighted creep theory assumes
- (A) Equal
weightage to horizontal and vertical creeps
- (B) Double
weightage to horizontal creep and one weightage to vertical creep
- (C) Triple
weightage to horizontal creep and one weightage to vertical creep
- (D) Triple
weightage to vertical creep and one weightage to horizontal creep
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