RCC Structure Design MCQ Practice Test - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

RCC Structure Design MCQ Practice Test - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. If R and T are rise and tread of a stair spanning horizontally, the steps are supported by a wall on one side and by a stringer beam on the other side, the steps are designed as beams of width
    (A) R + T
    (B) T - R
    (C) √(R2 + T2)
    (D) R - T

2. If p1 and P2 are effective lateral loadings at the bottom and top exerted by a level earth subjected to a super-load on the vertical face of height h of a retaining wall, the horizontal pressure p per unit length of the wall, is
    (A) [(p₁ - p₂)/2] h
    (B) [(p₁ + p₂)/4] h
    (C) [(p₁ + p₂)/2] h
    (D) (p₁ - p₂) ⅔h

3. In the zone of R.C.C. beam where shear stress is less than 5 kg/cm2, nominal reinforcement is provided at a pitch of
    (A) One-half lever arm of the section
    (B) One-third lever arm of the section
    (C) Lever arm of the section
    (D) One and half lever arm of the section

4. The transverse reinforcements provided at right angles to the main reinforcement
    (A) Distribute the load
    (B) Resist the temperature stresses
    (C) Resist the shrinkage stress
    (D) All the above

5. Long and short spans of a two way slab are ly and lx and load on the slab acting on strips parallel to lx and ly be wx and wy respectively. According to Rankine Grashoff theory
    (A) (wx/wy) = (ly/lx)
    (B) (wx/wy) = (ly/lx
    (C) (wx/wy) = (ly/lx)4
    (D) None of these

6. The pitch of the main bars in a simply supported slab, should not exceed its effective depth by
    (A) Three times
    (B) Four times
    (C) Five times
    (D) Six times

7. High strength concrete is used in pre-stressed member
    (A) To overcome high bearing stresses developed at the ends
    (B) To overcome bursting stresses at the ends
    (C) To provide high bond stresses
    (D) All the above

8. If ‘W’ is the load on a circular slab of radius ‘R’, the maximum radial moment at the centre of the slab, is
    (A) WR²/16
    (B) 2WR²/16
    (C) 3WR²/16
    (D) 5WR²/16

9. If A is the area of the foundation of a retaining wall carrying a load W and retaining earth of weight 'w' per unit volume, the minimum depth (h) of the foundation from the free surface of the earth, is
    (A) h = (W/Aw) [(1 - sin φ)/(1 + sin φ)]
    (B) h = (W/Aw) [(1 + sin φ)/(1 + sin φ)]
    (C) h = (W/Aw) [(1 - sin φ)/(1 + sin φ)]²
    (D) h = √(W/Aw) [(1 - sin φ)/(1 + sin φ)]²

10. If the permissible compressive and tensile stresses in a singly reinforced beam are 50 kg/cm2 and 1400 kg/cm2 respectively and the modular ratio is 18, the percentage area At of the steel required for an economic section, is
    (A) 0.496 %
    (B) 0.596 %
    (C) 0.696 %
    (D) 0.796 %

11. The modular ratio ‘m’ of a concrete whose permissible compressive stress is ‘C’, may be obtained from the equation.
    (A) m = 700/3C
    (B) m = 1400/3C
    (C) m = 2800/3C
    (D) m = 3500/3C

12. Enlarged head of a supporting column of a flat slab is technically known as
    (A) Supporting end of the column
    (B) Top of the column
    (C) Capital
    (D) Drop panel

13. Thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column, is technically known as
    (A) Drop panel
    (B) Capital
    (C) Column head
    (D) None of these

14. If ‘A’ is the sectional area of a pre-stressed rectangular beam provided with a tendon pre-stressed by a force ‘P’ through its centroidal longitudinal axis, the compressive stress in concrete, is
    (A) P/A
    (B) A/P
    (C) P/2A
    (D) 2A/P

15. Side face reinforcement shall be provided in the beam when depth of the web in a beam exceeds
    (A) 50 cm
    (B) 75 cm
    (C) 100 cm
    (D) 120 cm

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