Practice Test: Question Set - 21
1. Parapet walls along hill roads, are provided
- (A) To retain
the back filling
- (B) To
prevent the hill from sliding
- (C) To
prevent the wheels of the vehicle from coming on the retaining wall
- (D) None of
2. An ideal vertical curve is
- (A) True spiral
- (B) Cubic spiral
- (C) Cubic
- (D) None
of these
3. For calculating the tractive force along an upgrade of an asphalt road, the most probable value of the co-efficient of traction resistance μ is assumed
- (A) 1/10
- (B) 1/20
- (C) 1/30
- (D) 1/100
4. If the ruling gradient on any highway is 3%, the gradient provided on the curve of 300 metre radius, is
- (A) 2.00 %
- (B) 2.25 %
- (C) 2.50 %
- (D) 2.75 %
5. If P is the number of vehicles per day at last census, r is the increase in traffic and n is the number of years passed after last census, number of vehicles A per day for design, is
- (A) P (1
+ r)n
- (B) P (1
- r)n
- (C) P (1
+ r)-n+5
- (D) P (1
+ r)5n
6. The period of long term plan for the development of roads in India, known as Bombay Plan (Aug. 1958), is
- (A) 5 years
- (B) 10 years
- (C) 15 years
- (D) 20 years
7. California Bearing Ratio method of designing flexible pavements is more accurate as it involves
- (A) Characteristics
of soils
- (B) Traffic
- (C) Character
of the road making materials
- (D) None of
8. The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve for a design speed 60 km ph is
- (A) 131
- (B) 210 m
- (C) 360 m
- (D) None of
9. If V is the design speed of vehicles in km/hour, the change of radial acceleration in meters/sec3, is
- (A) 65/(70 + V)
- (B) 60/(70 + V)
- (C) 70/(65+ V)
- (D) 70/(60 + V)
10. If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways is equal to 3.0 m
- (A) + 0.60 m
- (B) + 0.70 m
- (C) + 0.90 m
- (D) + 1.50 m
11. The convexity provided to the carriageway between the crown and edge of the pavement, is known as
- (A) Super-elevation
- (B) Camber
- (C) Height
of the pavement
- (D) None of
12. If N is the algebraic difference of grades, S is the minimum sight distance in metres, the length (L) of a summit curve is
- (A) NS/4
- (B) NS2/4
- (C) N2S/4
- (D) (NS)2/4
13. If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is known as
- (A) Gradient
- (B) Grade
- (C) Positive
- (D) Negative
14. Cement grouted pavement is classified as
- (A) Rigid
- (B) Semi-rigid
- (C) Flexible
- (D) None of
15. Non-passing sight distance along a road is the longest distance at which the driver of a moving vehicle, may see an obstacle on the pavement
- (A) 10 cm high
- (B) 25 cm high
- (C) 50 cm high
- (D) 100 cm high
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