Highway Engineering - Civil Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 22 - ObjectiveBooks

Highway Engineering - Civil Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 22

Practice Test: Question Set - 22

1. The perpendicular offset from the tan-get to the central point of the circular curve, is
    (A) R sin θ/2
    (B) R cos θ/2
    (C) R (1 - cos θ/2)
    (D) R (1 - sin θ/2)

2. The width of pavement in addition to a gravelled berm 1 m on either side for a two directional traffic recommended by Nagpur (India) Conference of Chief Engineers, is
    (A) 4.7 m
    (B) 5.7 m
    (C) 6.7 m
    (D) 7.7 m

3. Minimum stopping distance for moving vehicles on road with a design speed of 80 km/hour, is
    (A) 80 m
    (B) 100 m
    (C) 120 m
    (D) 150 m

4. The top height of a route marker above crown level is
    (A) 1.50 m
    (B) 1.75 m
    (C) 2.00 m
    (D) 2.25 m

5. Along horizontal curves, if centrifugal force exceeds lateral friction, vehicles may
    (A) Skid
    (B) Slip
    (C) Not be affected
    (D) None of these

6. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The super-elevation on roads is
    (A) Directly proportional to width of pavement
    (B) Directly proportional to velocity of vehicles
    (C) Inversely proportional to acceleration due to gravity
    (D) Inversely proportional to the radius of curvature

7. For clear distinct vision, images of obstructions should fall on the retina with a cone of
    (A) 2°
    (B) 3°
    (C) 4°
    (D) 5°

8. The basic formula for determination of pavement thickness was first suggested by
    (A) Spangler
    (B) Picket
    (C) Kelly
    (D) Goldbeck

9. If ‘L’ meters is the distance between extreme axles of a vehicle, its gross load should not exceed
    (A) 1525 (L + 4.3) - 14.7 L2
    (B) 1526 (L + 5.3) - 14.7 L2
    (C) 1525 (L + 6.3) - 14.7 L2
    (D) 1525 (L + 7.3) - 14.7 L2

10. If x% is the gradient of an alignment and y% is the gradient after proper super-elevation along a curved portion of a highway, the differential grade along the curve, is
    (A) (x + y) %
    (B) (x - y) %
    (C) (y - x) %
    (D) (y + x) %

11. If At is the area of steel cross-section, t is working stress, L is width of road and W is weight of slab per square metre, the spacing of the tie bars for a longitudinal joint, is
    (A) (100 At × t)/WL
    (B) 100 At/tWL
    (C) (100 WAt × t)/tL
    (D) 100 WL/Att

12. The shape of a vertical curve, is
    (A) Parabolic
    (B) Elliptical
    (C) Circular
    (D) Spiral

13. If L is the length of the transition curves provided on either side of a circular curve of radius R, the maximum angle of deflection with tangent for the junctions of the transition curve and circular curve, is
    (A) L/R
    (B) L/2R
    (C) L/3R
    (D) None of these

14. The inventor of road making as a building science, was
    (A) Sully
    (B) Tresguet
    (C) Telford
    (D) Macadam

15. The desirable camber for straight roads with water bound macadam or gravel surface, is
    (A) 1 in 33 to 1 in 25
    (B) 1 in 40 to 1 in 33
    (C) 1 in 150 to 1 in 140
    (D) 1 in 160 to 1 in 140

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